標題: 以BIM之buildingSMART IFC標準交換格式建置GIS之OGC CityGML及IndoorGML空間資料
The Generation of GIS/OGC CityGML and IndoorGML Spatial Data based on BIM/buildingSMART IFC Open Data Standard
作者: 游斯丞
Yu, Sz-Cheng
Teo, Tee-Ann
關鍵字: 建物資訊模型;地理資訊系統;IFC;LoD;Building Information Model (BIM);Geographic Information System (GIS);Industry Foundation Classes (IFC);Level of Detail (LoD)
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 建築資訊模型(Building Information Model, BIM)具有高細緻度及富含語意資訊的特性;地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System, GIS)趨向儲存及管理地理空間資訊。雖說兩者在諸多觀點上全然不同,卻對於重視語意資訊及致力於發展三維數位模型有著相同的看法。近年來,越來越多的議題指出BIM與GIS間的互補關係,藉由整合兩者,可改善各自的缺點並促進資料間的交互操作。因此,BIM與GIS的整合是為兩領域的一個重要研究。本研究提出了BIM/IFC模型與CityGML模型間的直接轉換方法,同時也對BIM/IFC模型與IndoorGML模型的轉換建立了相應的策略。CityGML的轉換中包括:(1)建置BIM模型並匯出IFC資料格式、(2)轉換坐標至世界坐標系統、(3)幾何與屬性資料的轉換、(4)產製不同細緻度等級(Level of Detail, LoD)模型。另一方面,IndoorGML的轉換也包括:(1)資料前處理、(2)路網資料的轉換並編譯成GML模型。實驗結果顯示,各個細緻度模型皆能自動化的從BIM/IFC模型進行轉換,另外,IndoorGML之偶空間模型同樣也能被自動化轉換。在驗證方面,結果顯示模型的幾何、屬性及物件皆能正確並完整的轉換。
Building Information Model (BIM) bears high details in geometric and semantic information of buildings; while Geographic Information System (GIS) stores and manages geospatial information of cities. Although they were developed from different domains, they both feature the semantic information and contribute to virtual 3D models. Recently, BIM and GIS have been considered serving complementary purposes according to many studies; thus their integration has been drawing much attention in order to promote data interoperability. This research proposed direct conversion schemes from BIM/Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) to OGC CityGML and to OGC IndoorGML. The CityGML conversion includes (1) establishment of BIM model and IFC file, (2) coordinate transformation, (3) conversion of geometric and attribute information and (4) generation of different Level of Detail (LoD) models. And the IndoorGML conversion involves (1) data preprocessing and (2) conversion of topological information into GML network. The experimental results suggested successful auto-generation of the LoDs of CityGML and IndoorGML dual space models from the BIM/IFC model. Moreover, the converted models were verified their accuracy and integrity in terms of geometric, attribute and entity phases. In the last of this study, the applications of the integrated models were demonstrated to explore potential markets.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070251272
Appears in Collections:Thesis