標題: ABO血型之血小板存貨模型建構與分析
Modeling ordering policies in an ABO platelet inventory system with substitutions
作者: 凌偉嘉
Ling, Wei-Chia
Chen, Shen-I
關鍵字: 血小板輸血;易腐敗產品;血型替代;隨機存貨模型;Platelets transfusion;Perishable product;Substitutions;Stochastic inventory model
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 血小板是血液中相當重要的成分,其主要目的在於凝血和幫助人止血。近年來更被用來為大量失血的病患止血和提升血液中血小板的濃度以及白血病與癌症的治療。血小板是一種易腐敗的產品,當它從全血中被分離出來以後,扣除檢驗與運送的時間,其被送達醫院後僅剩餘三天的壽命。由於血小板在人體中扮演重要的角色與極短的保存期限特性,使得血小板被認為是一種相當珍貴的醫療資源。血小板的ABO血型配對與傳統輸血是完全不同,過去文獻也較少討論,此為本篇論文的貢獻之一。本論文建構一個輸血小板的隨機存貨模型,在隨機需求且為離散時間的條件下,探討不同存貨策略之短缺成本、報廢成本以及替代成本,結合台灣ABO血型人口比例,找到最佳訂購量以最小化成本,針對不同的成本設定及需求量的變化進行分析,判斷在各種情境下所造成的影響,依照這樣的結果,期許能夠提供血庫與醫療院所之相關決策者做出對於現況較佳的決定。
Platelets are component of blood playing an important role to stop bleeding for human body. Platelet transfusion is a common practice for patients who are heavy bleeding, inadequate platelets concentration, leukemia and cancer chemotherapy. Platelets are one of perishable products and will be expired in three days once they are separated from the whole blood and delivered to the hospitals. With the facts of short shelf life and broad applications in modern medicines, platelet inventory has become an import concern in healthcare. The challenge is how can we better utilize such precious medical resources. One of our focuses is to consider substitution rules among ABO group of platelets, which are distinct from whole blood inventory decisions. To the best of our knowledge, existed literatures have rarely addressed such specific inventory problem. This study developed a stochastic discrete-time inventory model under uncertain demands. Expected costs of shortage, outdate, and substitution are formulated to measure various inventory policies' performances. The goal is to determine the optimal ordering quantity of each blood type. Based on real-world population data, various scenarios of cost settings and demand levels are analyzed to provide insights for healthcare workers to make better decisions in platelet inventories.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353340