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dc.description.abstract目前台灣總計有65處偏遠地區,而這些偏遠地區,普遍具有人口數少、住戶眾多且分散、道路狹窄崎嶇及經費不足等特性,進而導致緊急醫療救護資源缺乏,因此如何提升偏遠地區緊急醫療救護品質實為重要課題。 本論文以苗栗縣南庄鄉為調查地區,藉由蒐集相關文獻來探討偏遠地區緊急醫療救護之特性,另透過歷年緊急救護案例分析,了解偏遠地區救護工作執行情形,再透過專家訪談彙整目前偏遠地區緊急醫療救護所遭遇之問題及困境,歸納專家訪談結果後,製作調查問卷,並經由問卷統計分析結果,了解偏遠地區居民及執行緊急醫療救護工作之警、義消人員反映及面臨之問題,以提出改善因應對策。 經研究顯示欲提升偏遠地區緊急醫療救護品質,除應提升通訊品質及建構完整道路圖資、配置基本救護器材於公共場所及針對觀光景點於重點期間增加臨時救護及醫療據點外,更應加強居民救護觀念及自主救護能力,故期望政府機關除強化偏遠地區緊急醫療救護硬體設備外,亦應著手推動當地居民之緊急救護訓練,以全面提昇偏遠地區緊急醫療救護服務品質,保障民眾生命安全。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractCurrently, there are sixty-five remote districts totally in Taiwan. and there, in general, they have characteristics of less population, a lot of scattered houses, narrow and rigid roads and expense shortage, etc. As a result, they lead to shortage of emergency medical service equipment. So it is an important issue for how to promote quality of emergency medical service there. Nan-jwon, Miaoli County, was the investigation district for this theory. We discovered and discussed the characteristic of emergency medical service there by collecting related data and information. And we analyzed the cases of emergency rescue over the past years and realized the execution of emergency rescue task there. We interviewed some experts to find out the current problems and difficulties that people encountered there for emergency medical service. We concluded the experts interview and made the investigation poll and analyzed the problems of local residents there and the reaction of executing emergency medical service for firefighters and volunteer firefighters. Therefore, we gave in how to cope with and improving ideas. Research showed that we wanted to promote quality of emergency medical service there. Beside promoting communication quality and building complete road map and information, establishing basic rescue facilities in the public places and increasing emergency medical service spots for sightseeing areas during the key period, we should enhance rescue concept and self-rescue ability for local residents. We anticipate that our government authorities can enhance hardware facilities of emergency medical service in the remote districts and start doing emergency rescue training for local residents. We hope to completely promote quality of emergency medical service there and protect people's safety of life.en_US
dc.subjectremote districtsen_US
dc.subjectemergency medical serviceen_US
dc.titleThe Study on the Remote Districts of Emergency Medical Serviceen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis