標題: 公路公共運輸發展財源規劃與分配模式
Funding Planning and Allocation Models for Highway Public Transport Development
作者: 吳長蓁
Wu, Chang-Chen
Kuo, Hsiu-Kuei
關鍵字: 公路公共運輸計畫;預算分配模式;層級分析法;Highway public transportation development project;Budget allocation model;Analytic hierarchical process
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 公路公共運輸計畫係以人本與永續之觀點進行我國公共運輸服務現況之改善,以創造有利的經營條件,提升公共運輸使用率,降低私人運具產生的交通問題。推動以來已發揮相當成效。惟以往係以編列預算及專案核定方式逐年申請,囿於預算審查及運用方式等相關法令限制,難以確保經費之穩定性。基此,本文旨在依據過去推動經驗,研析其可行及合理財源項目,並依據公運計畫之發展目標,推估每年之合理推動規模及預算,再利用專家學者問卷、層級分析法,以及數學規劃模式,進行財源規劃及經費分配。 分析結果顯示,公運計畫之主要財源為重大交通建設提撥、公益彩券盈餘、能源稅、空污費、國道通行費,以及土地開發影響費/交通衝擊費等。其中,重大交通建設提撥公共運輸發展經費用於支應跨運具整合計畫、土地開發影響費支應新闢路線、公益彩券支應虧損補貼、能源稅與空氣汙染防制費則用於支應車輛汰舊換新,財源與計畫間之對應性頗為合理且符合先驗知識,顯示本研究所提模式之可應用性。
The highway public transportation promotion project (PT project) aims to provide high-quality highway public transportation service from the aspects of humanity and sustainability, so as to create a better operating environment and to attract more public transportation patronage, and to mitigate traffic problems caused by excess usage of private vehicles. However, the PT project is financially supported mainly by traditional budgeting system, lacking of sustainable and stable funding mechanisms. Based on this, this study first analyzes reasonable and feasible funding sources for supporting the PT project and estimates the reasonable annual project scale according to the project goal and past experiences. Then this study employs expert questionnaire survey, analytical hierarchical process, and mathematic programming to conduct budget planning and allocation. The results show that the major funding sources include the contribution plan of major transportation projects, surplus of public welfare lottery, energy tax, air pollution control fee, freeway toll, and site development fee/traffic impact fee. Where the contribution plan of major transportation projects mainly supports intermodal transportation projects, site development fee supports new route opening projects, public welfare lottery surplus supports deficit subsidy and energy tax/air pollution control fee support bus renewal projects. The associations between funding sources and PT projects are reasonable and as our expected, suggesting the applicability of the proposed model.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070253619