標題: 婦心與婦信:助產士『黃陳梅麗』生命史研究
The Caring and Belief : Life History of the Midwife,Mei-Li Huang Chen
作者: 徐美琪
Luo, Lie-Shih
關鍵字: 產婆;助產士;生命史;歷史;助產簿;midwife;midwifery;life story;history;midwifery note
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 台灣早期婦女生產方式主要以產婆接生為主,然而經過一連串的社會文化及醫療制度變遷,使得產婆所扮演角色漸漸被忽視,連帶也使得後來發展的助產教育也受到嚴重影響。根據健保署(2014)統計報告,全台灣平均剖腹生產比率維持在36.2%,生產過度醫療化使得政府單位又重新重視助產士的重要性。本研究以新竹市助產士『黃陳梅麗』為主要研究對象,藉由她整個生命史,瞭解她一生對助產工作的用心及背後執著力量。企盼透過此研究,根據助產士所保存的脈絡與痕跡,歸納出助產士所帶給社會的動力與價值。 本研究採取質性研究的方式,從文獻分析、深度訪談、參與觀察中來記錄助產士『黃陳梅麗』生命史。本研究的第二章「生命史」,主要研究其瞭解家族信主史、早年生活、產婆受訓、執業到退休一生的過程;第三章「婦心」,透過梅麗女士之《助產簿》28冊、《工作紀錄簿》1冊與其隨身小筆記本29冊共計58本簿冊資料,分別從產婦住所、年齡、分娩數、胎數、分娩過程、嬰兒性別、死產數面向等,表達梅麗女士對產婦充滿主動關懷的用心及專業;第四章「婦信」,揭開了基督教家庭的扉頁,瞭解梅麗女士助產背後的支持力量。第五章研究發現有以下五點:一、完成黃陳梅麗女士整個生命歷程,見證了臺灣產婆史;二、整理完竣五十八冊助產簿冊資料共接生13170人;三、優秀助產士可以提供安全的自然生產環境,迎接新生命的誕生;四、家族130餘年信主史值得深究,全家族都是基督教徒;五、專業的用心、家人扶持及教會帶領,是堅持助產背後力量。 關鍵字:產婆、助產士、生命史、歷史、助產簿。
In the past, the midwife in Taiwan played a main role in the birthing practice, while the significance of midwives and midwifery education is getting underestimated as the change in the society and medical environment happened to Taiwan. However, the climbing rate of Caesarian operation and overgrowing medicalization of birthing in recent Taiwan forced the government to review the value of midwifery. For example, the annual report from National Health Insurance Administration in 2014 showed that the average rate of Caesarian operation in Taiwan levelled out at 36.2%. The study thoroughly viewed the life of a midwife in Hsinchu city, Mei-Li Huang Chen, as well as her tremendous midwifery work, belief and support. As a result, the study aims to help government and people take the value of midwifery more seriously by visualizing the history of midwives. This research revealed comprehensive Mei-Li’s life story and all her midwifery services by qualitative research method, in which it summarized the references related to midwifery, thorough interviews with her and detailed observations. In Chapter 2, “The Life Story”, it describes Mei-Li’s entire life, from her earlier life, her family’s religion to her whole midwifery career. According to Mrs. Huang Chen’s 58 midwifery notes and working records, the overview of her midwifery technique, knowledge, acute discernment and handling ability can be seen in the following chapter, “Midwife’s Caring”, including the data of birthing age, mothers’ habitations, number of delivery, gender of new born, number of stillbirth(SB), and birthing practices. Next, in Chapter 4, “Midwife’s Belief”, the study found that Huang’s Christian family lifestyle built a solid religious foundation for Mei-Li’s midwifery career. The last chapter summarized the following five points of the study: First, the completion of Mei-Li’s life history study, which is a witness of Taiwan's midwife history; Second, to make a summary of total 13170 birthing among 58 midwifery notes and working records; Third, excellent midwives can provide a safer and natural birthing environment for the mother and new born baby; Fourth, a study of an over 130 years classical Taiwanese Christian family history is introduced. Fifth, the diligence, family support and Christian’s leading are the power behind Mei-Li’s midwifery career life. Key words: midwife, midwifery, life story, history, midwifery note
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070355519
Appears in Collections:Thesis