標題: 發展簡易一鍋化碳奈米粒子合成方法 於生物影像之應用
Development of Facile One-Pot Carbon Dots Synthetic Approach for Bioimaging
作者: 陳昱成
Chen, Yu-Cheng
Hsu, Hsin-Yun
Hsieh, You-Zung
關鍵字: 一鍋化;碳奈米粒子;生物影像分析;one-pot;carbon dots;bioimaging
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 我們成功發展一系列簡易、新穎的一鍋化碳奈米粒子(carbon dots, CDs)合成方法: (1) 以寡核甘酸做為”生物性溶劑”以進行直接的萃取與碳奈米粒子修飾。(2)利用香菸輔助合成裝置同時製備親水性以及疏水性的碳奈米粒子。最後,(3)利用單一前驅物於純水中調控合成不同粒徑大小以及具有藍光到紅光範圍發光特性的碳奈米粒子。這些具自發螢光之碳奈米粒子有極佳的光穩定性以及寬廣的pH使用範圍。其低毒性,良好的生物相容性與高螢光量子效率等特性,使得碳奈米粒子在體外以及體內生物影像分析和未來藥物釋放等應用上具有極大的潛力。
We successfully developed three simple yet novel one-pot synthetic approaches for the carbon dots (CDs): (1) The oligonucleotides served as a “biosolvent” to enable direct extraction and modification of CDs. (2) A cigarettes-assisted apparatus facilitated one-pot preparation of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic CDs. Finally, (3) the size- and color-tunable CDs that emit wavelengths from blue to red were achieved by using a single precursor in pure water. These fluorescent CDs were stable for several months under ambient conditions and show negligible photobleaching under continuous laser irradiation at a wide range of pH. The low toxicity, biocompatibility and high quantum yield of CDs render the potential for in vitro and in vivo bioimaging and future drug delivery applications.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079925825