Title: 高介電材料金屬閘極塊材鰭式場效應電晶體製程參數分析與電特性建模之研究
Process-Dependence Analysis and Electrical Characteristic Modeling of High-k Metal Gate Bulk FinFET Devices
Authors: 蘇炳熏
Li, Yiming
Keywords: 鰭式場效應電晶體;製程參數;電特性;敏感性分析;資料探勘;製程變異;High-Metal Gate Bulk FinFET;Electrical Characteristic;Inline process parameters;Sensitive analysis;Data-Mining;Ring Oscillator;Process Variation
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 鰭式場效電晶體技術的導入是次22奈米技術世代半導體產業的一大進展。儘管16奈米高介電材料金屬閘極塊材鰭式場效電晶體正導入量產,製程最佳化的問題仍有改善之空間,例如:製程變異所導致的電晶體電特性的變動,以及新3D結構和新製程所引起的源極/汲極之串聯電阻萃取與建模的困難等。雖然文獻上,已有相關的研究,但是大都使用模擬來仿真製程和元件電特性的變異;已知有少數製程步驟被討論,但並未包括製程彼此間的相互影響效應,亦無相對應之製程解決方案。串聯電阻也沒辦法分開去萃取接觸層到鰭式場效電晶體的電阻、鰭式場效電晶體之磊晶外延成長的電阻、源極/汲極延伸電阻和閘極通道電阻,導致無法找出高電阻之製程問題。有別於目前已知方法論,若能由實際的製程與量測來系統化分析上述之議題,將有助於更穩健製程技術之研究。





There is no doubt that FinFET is a milestone in the semiconductor industry for the sub-22-nm technological nodes. Even though 16-nm HKMG (high-metal gate) bulk FinFET has achieved massive production, process optimizations are still emergency to improve yield loss like devices’ characteristic fluctuations induced by inline process variations, high FinFET source/drain (S/D) linear and nonlinear series resistance owing to poor epi-growth, non-uniform distribution of current density in S/D, critical limitation of restrictive design rule, ultra-thin contact film, and complicated 3D FinFET structure, etc. There are relative studies discussing about above issues; however, most of them used simulations to generate process variation and device characteristic fluctuation or had silicon data but just focus on limited process steps; few of them paid attentions on process-dependencies; none of them proposed test structures to extract S/D series resistances resulting from S/D contact, S/D epi-growth fin, S/D extension, and the channel gate; there are also no test structures to monitor layout dependent effects of FinFET. Unlike other studies, if inline process parameters and measured data can be provided to systematically analyze above issues, it will be helpful for a robust process study.

This dissertation reports how fabrication in-line process of 16-nm HKMG bulk FinFET fluctuates device and circuit’s performance. The process covers from front-end-of-line to BEOL-end-of-line; it demonstrates how to extract hidden correlations among complex and a large number of in-line process parameters and how to trace the source of variations of in-line process parameters. Furthermore, this dissertation reports a novel test structure to measure linear and non-linear S/D series resistances. This technique enables us to evaluate each component of S/D series resistances resulting from the S/D contact, the S/D epi-growth fin, the S/D extension, and the channel gate. The S/D series resistance of fins on different layout locations of the same diffusion is characterized and modeled by connection with a specified S/D contact on it. A solution of the process optimization is then proposed to enhance yield, performance, and leakage. Chapter 2 states the design rule prioritization, verification, and optimization under process variation. Chapter 3 describes the process-dependence analysis for characteristic improvement of device and ring oscillator. Chapter 4 discusses the source/drain series resistance extraction and modeling.

New 3D structures of 16-nm FinFET’s devices result in new challenges for circuit designs, process materials, and process schemes. Circuit design is based on design rule (DR) which is an important interface between design and manufacturing. Design rule becomes more complex as the process advances to 16-nm and beyond. We first present a novel platform, so called systematic and statistical design rule verification (SSDRV), to fast and accurately prioritize key design rules which significantly impact the cost (chip size), the yield, and the circuit design. SSDRV provides a feedback mechanism to learn design risk from the previous generation. SSDRV shows only 28% and 53% 16-nm design rules can cover 50% and 90% top risks of yield loss respectively. On the other hand, early performance gains in the early design rule development without increasing the cost and the yield loss is a benefit for the foundry. We for the first time propose a novel platform to optimize DRs of 16-nm bulk FinFET by considering standard-cells’ performance, yield, area, and layout style, simultaneously. Standard-cells’ performance is evaluated by an innovative simulation via RC extraction and SPICE simulation. Mathematical geometric programming is utilized to optimize DRs to access the best performance of standard-cell with limited area. The result shows by optimizing the contact overlap, NAND2 has improved more than 100% delay without changing NAND2 area. Furthermore, by enlarging 2 nm spacing of the gate to contact, 50%-yield improvement could be achieved without increasing chip size. Even DRs and standard-cells’ designs can be optimized by simulation in the early stage of the technology, following production issues are really challenged and have to be overcome.

The most important concern of fabrication of 16-nm HKMG bulk FinFET is the process variation which causes yield and performance loss. We first report a novel method to discovery and optimize key fabrication in-line process parameters to improve performance and variability of devices and ring oscillators. The sensitivity analysis is first utilized to prioritize key in-line process parameters which significantly boost performance and reduce variations of devices and ring oscillators. After prioritizing key inline process parameters, there may be still many inline process parameters. Each inline process parameter may impact on each other. To extract hidden correlations among complex and a large number of in-line process parameters, data mining (DM) technique is applied to highlight and group associated in-line process parameters. The source of variations of in-line process parameters in each group is revealed by DM. By tuning process schemes or process materials of inline process parameters to reduce their sensitivity to fluctuate the characteristic of the device and Ring-Oscillator is proposed in the thesis. Results show the dual gate-spacer, the S/D proximity, the S/D depth, and the S/D implant are grouped into the same cluster and significantly affect threshold voltage, on-state current, off-state current, effective capacitance, effective resistance, frequency, and integrated circuit quiescent current (IDDQ). However, the variation source of these inline process parameters is the thickness of the dual gate-spacer. By replacing dual spacers with single spacers, the fluctuation of threshold voltage is 30% dropped. Furthermore, impacts of the on-state current ratio of N/P devices on RO frequency and IDDQ are also examined; by replacing dual spacers with single ones, the uniformity of implantation can be enhanced. Thus, the fluctuation of IDDQ is 7 times reduced and RO characteristic can fit to designing targets.

After reducing the process variability, we further discuss how to boost performance and improve yield for devices of 16-nm HKMG bulk FinFET. One key approach is to improve the S/D series resistance. However, an effective extraction of S/D series resistances is a challenging task owing to poor epi-growth and non-uniform distribution of current density in S/D, critical limitation of restrictive design rule, ultra-thin contact film, and complicated 3D FinFET structure. In this thesis, we for the first time report a novel test structure to measure linear and non-linear S/D series resistances. This technique enables us to evaluate each component of S/D series resistances resulting from the S/D contact, the S/D epi-growth fin, the S/D extension, and the channel gate, respectively. The S/D series resistance of a single fin or multi-fin can be characterized and modeled with the specified S/D contact on it. By the same way, fins located on the different layout but in the same active region can also be measured and extracted. Furthermore, the S/D series resistance of each fin can be analytically calculated by swapping the S/D bias condition. This swap test can detect the process issue of the S/D asymmetry. Finally, the proposed test structure and extraction technique shows the predicted S/D series resistance matches 96 percent of the measured S/D series resistance. It also provides a robust monitoring tool to diagnose a process weak point of the 16-nm HKMG bulk FinFET devices.

In summary, we have proposed an innovative approach for process-dependence analyses and electrical characteristic modeling of 16-nm HKMG bulk FinFET devices. This study has reported a novel method to optimize design rules and standard-cell design style considering standard-cells’ performance and size. We further presented an innovative methodology to optimize in-line process parameters by tuning process schemes or process materials to reduce their sensitivities to fluctuate characteristic of device and ring oscillator. A novel test structure and extraction was implemented to extract and model the source/drain series resistance.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079813814
Appears in Collections:Thesis