Title: 寬頻高增益天線設計
Wideband High Gain Antenna Design
Authors: 陳宥夫
Chen, Yu-Fu
Hwang, Ruey-Bing
Keywords: 寬頻陣列天線;Wideband Array Antenna
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 在本文中,將設計高增益天線陣列與饋入網路,並對此高增益天線進行增益與場型的量測。其天線架構為陣列天線形式,將有寬頻特性的漸變式槽孔天線(Tapered slot antenna)組合成為1x8垂直極化的陣列天線,達到增加天線增益的效果。 另外,本研究之寬頻的高增益天線陣列之饋入網路,是藉由適當地設計每個天線單元的饋入訊號強度,與提供寬頻的等相位輸出,以有效的抑制旁波瓣準位(Side Lobe Level, SLL),降低訊雜比(Signal to Noise Ratio, SNR),最後將對此高增益天線進行增益與場型的量測。
In this work, we developed a wideband high gain antenna consisting of eight horizontal polarization antennas and 1 to 8 Chebyshev tapering feeding network, each of array unit is spaced by half-wavelength at 12GHz. Furthermore, it has wideband operation frequency form 4.35 to 18GHz , and it can generate a high directional radiation pattern toward for further enhancing the receiver signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and channel capacity accordingly.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070260324
Appears in Collections:Thesis