标题: 光纤光栅倾斜仪之研发与改进
Development and Improvement of an Optic Fiber Bragg Grating Tiltmeter
作者: 甯敍尧
Ning, Hsu-Yao
Huang, An-Bin
关键字: 光纤光栅;倾斜仪;海上平台;结构安全监测;FBG;Tiltmeter;Off Shore Platform;Structural Health Monitoring
公开日期: 2016
摘要: 为了进行海气象观测塔结构之监测,以及离岸监测相关技术经验累积。采用具抗潮湿、不怕雷击、不易受电磁波干扰,且能于单一线路上进行多点量测等优点之光纤光栅感测器进行监测。本研究主要目的在研发与改良光纤光栅倾斜仪,以及光纤光栅风力叶片监测模型(光纤光栅现地监测Beam)之制作。倾斜仪原设计为纯光纤力矩式,其构想源系修改自光纤光栅双轴加速度计,虽然有较高之解析度,但有易于损坏之缺点。因此将设计改以光纤重锤弹片式与光纤力矩弹片式,虽然解析度相对较低,但具有不易损坏之优点,较适用于长期于恶劣现地环境之监测。将所有光纤光栅感测器制作完毕后进行实验室内标定,标定完成后对于光纤光栅风力叶片监测模型进行稳定实验,另外对于光纤光栅倾斜仪进行平台倾斜模拟实验与标定平台倾斜量测。实验结果证明各光纤光栅感测器皆符合预期成效,且成功制作八组光纤光栅倾斜仪及一组光纤光栅现地监测Beam进行相关监测与数据收集,并与光纤光栅解读系统整合完成。未来将安装于海气象观测塔上进行监测,并供后续光纤光栅技术研究与离岸工程应用之参考。
The optic fiber sensors have the advantages of being immune to moisture, lightning, electromagnetic interference (EMI), and allowing multiple sensors in a single line. So the optic fiber sensors are suitable for the structure health monitoring (SHM) of the Weather Observation Tower and the offshore monitoring technology. The goals of the research are to improve the FBG tiltmeter and build the FBG wind turbine structure health monitoring model (FBG in-situ monitoring Beam). The original design of the FBG tiltmeter is the Bi-FBGs row tiltmeter, which was originated from the Biaxial FBG Accelerometer. Although the Bi-FBGs row tiltmeter can provide high resolution, it is easy broken. In this study, the reed structure was used to improve the durability. The FBG column tiltmeter and the FBG row tiltmeter were using the reed with two FBGs on both side for measuring tilt. The reeds prevent the FBGs from easily breaking but on the other hand, the reeds also provide lower resolution compared with the original Bi-FBGs row tiltmeter. It also has more chance to conquer the harsh monitoring situations. After completing all the FBG sensors, such as FBG tiltmeters, FBG thermometers, FBG differential pressure gauge etc, and all the sensors were calibrated in the laboratory. Then the FBG wind turbine structure health monitoring model were subjected to the stability and durability tests. And do the platform tilt simulation tests and calibration platform tilt measuring by the FBG tiltmeters. The results of the tests show that the sensors are satisfied the design purpose. Eight FBG tiltmeters and one FBG in-situ monitoring Beam were built and passed the calibration tests, all the sensors were successfully integrated with the FBG data logger system in the laboratory. All the sensors and the FBG data logger system will also be installed on the Weather Observation Tower for structure health monitoring in the future. The FBG sensors monitoring system project can provide the experience of the optic fiber technology research development. And the project can also provide the offshore engineering parameters, behaviors, and applications to the future world.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070351267