标题: 基于软体定义网路之分封传输网之封包封装、解封装及网路管理
SDN-Based Packet Encapsulation, De-encapsulation and OA&M for Packet Transport Networks
作者: 徐文俊
Hsu, Wen-Chun
Chen, Jyh-Cheng
关键字: SDN;PTN;4G/5G Backhaul networks;MPLS-TP;OpenFlow;OF-CONFIG;SDN;PTN;4G/5G Backhaul networks;MPLS-TP;OpenFlow;OF-CONFIG
公开日期: 2016
摘要: 4G/LTE的大规模部署,尤其是LTE微基地台,基于动态频宽调度的需求,将为运营商管理、运营4G/5G行动通讯的后方传输网(Mobile communication Backhaul Network),也即是分封传输网(PTN, Packet Transfer Network)带来巨大的困扰。运营商非常急切地想要找到一种解决方案,既能简化网络管理,也能降低运营费用。SDN通过集中化控制平面(Control Plane),并提供了一种开放式的标准方法来配置及管理后方传输网设备的数据平面(Data Plane),因此是能应用于后方传输网领域(PTN)的一项深具潜力的技术。为了支持SDN,设备供应商需要在其控制平面及其网络管理系统中支持诸如OpenFlow的协议。此外,还需要更新数据平面,使之与OpenFlow兼容。
综合上述的技术潮流, SDN 与PTN将会是下一个十年的传输技术主流,若是能够结合PTN 及 SDN两个解决方案,新一代网路设备将会有更高的前瞻性价值。本专案就是结合了PTN及SDN 两者的优点,试着在SDN 设备上提供可应用于4G/5G行动后方通信网(PTN)的解决方案,深入SDN的核心技术研发以及其扩展方案,以适用于新一代的4G/5G行动后方通信网的传输设备,达到异质设备之统一网管介面。
It will be a critical issue for operators to manage and operate 4G / 5G mobile communications backhaul networks with packet transmission networks (PTN), especially in large-scale deployment of 4G / LTE micro base stations based on the needs of the dynamic bandwidth scheduling. Operators are eager to find a solution that not only simplifies network management, but also reduces operating costs. By using SDN centralized control plane to provide an open and standard way to configure and manage data plane of backhaul network equipment, it is a highly potential technology that can be applied to the backhaul networks and PTN. To support SDN, equipment vendors need to support protocols such as OpenFlow in its control plane and network management system. In addition, it needs to update the data plane to make it compatible with OpenFlow. SDN and PTN will be the main technologies in the next decade, if the two can be combined together. It will have higher prospective value to next-generation network equipment. This thesis is a combination of PTN and SDN. We introduce PTN solutions to SDN devices and apply the solutions to next generation of 4G / 5G mobile communication backhaul networks to achieve a unified network management interface for heterogeneous equipment.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070256821