標題: 具插電式充電功能之切換式磁阻馬達驅動系統
Plug-in Switched Reluctance Motor Drive System
作者: 王偉安
Wang, Wei-An
Chen, Hung-Chi
關鍵字: 切換式磁阻馬達;功因校正;電池充電;電動車;Switched Reluctance Motor;Power factor correction;Battery charging;Electric Vehicle
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本論文實現具插電式充電功能之切換式磁阻馬達驅動系統,將雙向直流直流轉換器、非對稱半橋式轉換器、雙升壓全橋型功因校正電路及切換式磁阻馬達進行整合,此系統之特色為利用非對稱半橋式轉換器與切換式磁阻馬達繞組,不需額外電路元件,即可建構充電功能,使得系統具備馬達驅動模式和充電模式兩種模式,再來探討切換式磁阻馬達的基礎原理、轉速控制、電流控制、提前導通角度、功率因數校正等,利用電腦軟體PSIM進行模擬驗證,評估實作的可行性,接著使用FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)硬體電路晶片撰寫演算法與設計控制器,完成實作成果,並與模擬結果進行分析與討論。
This thesis implements Plug-in Switched Reluctance Motor Drive System. This system integrates bidirectional dc/dc converter, asymmetric half-bridge converter, dual-boost full-bridge converter and switched reluctance motor together. The characteristic of this design is using embedded components of SRM windings and asymmetric half-bridge converter to build charging capabilities without extra circuit elements. There are two operation modes, motor driving and charging mode, in the system. Some key issues of switched reluctance motor, speed control, current control, advanced shift angle and power factor correction are introduced and discussed in the thesis. In order to evaluate feasibility of this implementation, PSIM is used to do simulation. All the algorithms and design of controllers are implemented in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Finally, the simulation and experimental results are analyzed and discussed.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070360079