標題: 基於鏡面反射位置關係的錢幣真偽辨識
Identification of Coin Authenticity Based on Relative Positions of Specular Reflections
作者: 洪晟瑋
Hung, Cheng-Wei
Chuang, Jen-Hui
關鍵字: 錢幣真偽;閃光反應;Coin Authenticity;Specular Reflection
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 現在市面上五十元偽幣數量猖獗,導致很多民眾無法有效辨識收到的錢幣是否為真。為了有效遏止偽幣氾濫,我們藉由影像處理分析五十元硬幣的幣面亮度變化並以此判別硬幣的真僞性。本論文提出的方法和設備能快速的辨識硬幣的真僞且方便使用者使用。我們希望透過本研究能有效減少偽幣在市面上的流通。
With the increased on counterfeit money of market, especially for fifty dollar coin. Many people cannot effectively distinguish the money between real or counterfeit, which forced the unscrupulous vendor who manufacture counterfeit money has run rampant. In order to prevent the counterfeit money from increasing, we are engaged in research for this area. We propose an image processing method that based on intensity change of a coin. The proposed approach and the corresponding machine can effectively and efficiently distinguish coin. We hope the proposed approach can prevent the counterfeit money in our life.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070256653