標題: 翻轉教學結合MOOCs與悅趣式學習對不同背景學生學習動機與學習成效之影響:以國中數學課程為例
Effects of Flipped Classrooms Integrated with MOOCs and Gamed-Based Learning on Learning Motivation and Outcomes of Students from Different Backgrounds: The case of Mathematics Courses in Junior High School
作者: 劉珈吟
Liu, Jia-Yin
Hsu, Yi-Jung
關鍵字: 翻轉教學;大規模開放式線上課程;悅趣式學習;學習動機;學習成效;flipped learning;MOOCs;Gamed-Based Learning;learning motivation;learning outcomes
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本研究之研究目的為瞭解不同背景(性別、年級、社經背景、上網時數、數學自信指標、是否補習、悅趣式學習裡所扮演的角色)的學習者接受翻轉教學結合MOOCs與悅趣式學習後,對於其學習動機(學習動機、價值構面、期望構面、情感構面)與學習成效之影響。(其中悅趣式學習的角色乃依照學生數學學習成效能力測驗分數高低依序為將軍、軍師、士兵。)本研究採調查研究輔以半結構開放式問卷,在國中數學課程實施翻轉教學結合MOOCs與悅趣式學習,共五位授課教師,十個班級,244位國中一、二年級學生為研究對象。研究工具包含:基本資料調查問卷(以瞭解研究對象的背景) 、MSLQ (the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire)中的學習動機量表、數學學習成效測驗試題以及開放式問卷(用來瞭解學習者的學習感受)。 量化研究結果顯示,學生接受翻轉教學結合MOOCs與悅趣式學習能提升學習動機、成效。比較不同背景學生:在整體學習動機、價值與期望構面變化上,低、中度數學自信學生進步幅度皆顯著高於高度數學自信學生;期望構面部分士兵角色(學習成效較差的學生)進步幅度顯著高於將軍角色(學習成效較高的學生);學習成效部分,國二學生進步幅度顯著高於國一學生。本研究建議,教師在選擇教學法的同時,應考量如何協助不同背景的學生,以避免新的教學法造成變向犧牲部份族群。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of flipped classrooms integrated with massive open online courses (MOOCs) and gamed-based learning on learning motivation (learning motivation, value component, expectancy component, and affective component) and learning outcomes of students from different backgrounds (gender, grade, socioeconomic background, duration of surfing the Internet, self-confidence indicators in mathematics, whether additional tuition is being received, and the roles played in the game-based learning process). A total of five teachers and 244 first- and second-year junior high school students from ten classes participated in mathematics courses that integrated flipped classrooms, MOOCs, and game-based learning. Surveys and a semi-structured open questionnaire were conducted for data collection, including a basic information questionnaire (to understand the background of the participants), learning motivation of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), a test for learning achievements in mathematics, and an open-ended questionnaire (to understand the feelings of learners). Additionally, learners’ roles in the game-based learning environment were divided into general, military advisor, and soldier according to their performance in the mathematics learning achievements test. Quantitative analysis results showed that flipped classrooms integrated with MOOCs and game-based learning can enhance students’ learning motivation and outcomes. Specifically, compared with students with high self-confidence in learning mathematics, students with low and medium levels of self-confidence showed significantly greater improvement in overall learning motivation , value component and expectancy component; significantly more enhancements were found in expectation component of “soldiers” (students with relatively lower learning achievements) than “generals” (students with higher learning achievements); and students in the eighth grade were found to progress significantly greater in academic performance than students in the seventh grade. This study suggested that in addition to teaching methods, teachers should also consider the ways to assist students from various backgrounds to avoid the adoption of any new teaching method that can lead to negative learning motivation and outcomes of certain student groups.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070252212