Title: 使用射線追蹤資料庫建構毫米波通道響應模型
Modeling of Millimeter Wave Channel Response Based on a Raytracing Database
Authors: 張志豪
Chang, Chih-Hao
Lin, David W
Keywords: 毫米波通道模型;MmWave channel model
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本論文主要做出一個毫米波通道模擬器來產生一段路徑上的通道響應。此模擬器是使用一個資料庫,其利用射線追蹤方式計算出一個特定環境的通道狀況,來產生我們要的通道響應。此資料庫是中正大學沈文和教授利用 Wireless InSite 這套軟體去模擬瑞士的伯恩的無線通道環境來取得毫米波通道響應。所有的傳送跟接收端都是固定不動的,意思是當在傳送和 接收時,他們不會移動。而且他們天線的指向性皆為全向性。然而我們所要的是一段路徑上的通道響應,而得到這些通道資訊對於通道模擬會很有幫助,所以我們利用上述的資料庫來做一些後續處理,進而產生我們所要的路徑上的通道響應。 我們另外一個研究是,做初步 DSP 和 RF 模組之間的連接。因為我們想要實現一個完整的通道模擬,讓我們之前所做的通道估測可以實現在 DSP 板子上。我們將透過乙太網路介面的 TCP 協定來做連接。
In our thesis, we develop a millimeter wave channel simulator that can build a sequence of channel response for a track. The simulator makes use of a database which employs 3D-raytracing to compute site-specific radio propagation channels. We get the database from a research team led by Prof. W. H. Sheen at National Chung Cheng University which has used Wireless InSite to compute the channel responses based on a 3D geographic map of Bern, Switzerland, for mmWave wireless communications research. All the transmitters and receivers are static, which means that they did not move when transmitting and receiving. And the antenna directivity of transmitters and receivers were set to be omni-directional. However, our purpose is getting the channel impulse responses as we move over a sequence of locations on a track. Such information is useful for channel simulation. So we need to do some work to generate a sequence of channel responses on a track. Another our research is do a preliminary connection between a DSP and a RF module since we want to implement the channel estimation which is proposed before on a DSP. We will use the Ethernet interface with TCP protocol to make a connection.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070350264
Appears in Collections:Thesis