Title: 車輛動態特性分析
Dynamical Analysis of Vehicle System
Authors: 曹傑
Tsao, Chieh
Liaw, Der-Cherng
Keywords: 分叉理論;線性化;符號運算;Bifurcation theory;Linearization;Symbolic analysis
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 由於車禍事件的頻傳,對於車輛操控穩定性的關注一直吸引了大量的專家學者進行相關的研究,包括車輛動態分析及穩定性控制等等。本論文詳細的推導出車輛動態方程式,並且引用分叉理論與利用Mathematica運算軟體找出該系統的分叉點也就是穩定與不穩定的瞬間。此外,同時利用AUTO模擬軟體找出不同的車輛長寬比及車速在車輛轉彎時對於穩定性會有什麼樣的影響,最後利用遙控車驗證AUTO的模擬結果是否符合真實情況。
Due to the highly frequent car accidents, the focus on vehicle handling stability has attracted lots of experts and scholars' attention to conduct relative researches, including vehicle dynamic analysis and stability control and so on. In this thesis the vehicle dynamic equations are deduced in detail, and the bifurcation theory is used to find the bifurcation point of the system by using Mathematica. Besides, using AUTO to simulate the stability of the vehicle when turning the front wheel in different aspect ratio and speed. Finally, by using remote control cars to verify the simulation results of AUTO is consistent with the real scenario.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070360061
Appears in Collections:Thesis