標題: 臺灣新農民的建構:一種新舊來回穿梭的實踐
Bricolaging New Peasantry in Taiwan: Shuttling between the Old and the New
作者: 鄭博予
Cheng, Po-Yu
Tsai, Yen-Ling
關鍵字: 新農;邊界物;工農之間;適切科技;New Peasantry;Boundary Object;Appropriate Technology;Industrial-Agricultural Transformation
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 近年因全球食品安全與糧食短缺問題日益惡化,臺灣興起一股「新農」潮。一般來說當前社會與學界關注的「新農」,大多是來自城市、原本不種田而今從事所謂「半農半X」,或甚至走入全職農夫的知識青年與各行各業的人。在臺灣這波新農浪潮裡,傳統農民的角色相較之下就顯得不被重視。本研究認為,在這股新農浪潮裡,除了前述的新農民之外,更有另一種由農二代逐漸轉化為新農民的現象。農二代轉變成為新農民,也是正在成形中的臺灣新農民建構的途徑之一。 本研究以農夫莊正燈作為主軸,將其生命經歷切分為三。莊正燈由農轉工,在青年時期投入成衣與紡織業,而後又從工轉農,回歸祖田積極吸收農耕知識,並與老農、農會、改良場等傳統臺灣農業體系建立關係。2010年莊正燈遇到半農半X的工程師新農民後,開始理解並運用新農法、新消費平台、新科技技術等新產銷體系知識。2012至今,莊正燈與知青的農業實踐分道後如何與新農管理者合作,用新與舊資源在傳統農業體系與新農業體系之間來回穿梭,並試圖開創最適合在地的產銷方式。 本研究主張上述過程同時也是一種打造、定義臺灣「新農民」的實踐形式。 本研究雖將主軸放在莊正燈身上,但對本研究來說這不只是莊正燈一人的故事,這同時也是臺灣社會建立新農民的實踐故事。
There has been a rising wave of the new peasantry in Taiwan due to the aggravated problem of food shortage and food safety around the globe. In most cases, only the new peasantry who have not been professional farmers before will be under the spotlight of the society and the academic sphere. This thesis considers that, apart from the previously stated new farmers, another category of new farmers who are able to shuttling between the old and the new systems of agriculture are also the driving force that is constructing the new peasantry in Taiwan. This thesis features the life story of a farmer and divides it into three parts. The first part deals with the process of his career change from the textile industry to agriculture. The second part explores his learning of a new way of production and marketing in agriculture after he met a new farmer. The third part demonstrates how the farmer works together with a new agricultural manager to create a suitable and localized way of shuttling between the old and the new system of agriculture. This study argues that the course of the transition stated above is a way of practice of constructing and redefining the new peasantry in Taiwan. Though the main part of this study is the story of a farmer, yet this story is also the story of constructing the new peasantry in Taiwan as a whole.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070255201
Appears in Collections:Thesis