Title: 職場勞工過勞因子研究—以基板廠為例
Burnout Factors Study of Employees at Substrate Plants
Authors: 蔡英梅
Tsai, Ying-Mei
Kam, Tai-Yan
Keywords: 過勞;佛萊明漢心力評量表;哥本哈根疲勞量表;Karoshi;Framingham Risk Score;Copenhagen Burnout Inventory
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 近年來因為過勞猝死的案件頻傳,使得社會及政府不得不重燃起對『過勞死』的重視與關注。企業對於過勞猝死的預防、想藉分析勞工健康檢查的資料來篩選及防止勞工腦、心血管疾病的發病風險,卻苦無國內的研究無實際的分析與參考案例-這就是本研究利用實證探討的目的與重要性。 本研究的方法是根據中華民國心臟學會公布的『佛萊明漢』危險預估評分表( Framingham Risk Score),應用其十個步驟,實際來分析新竹科學園區某科技公司勞工的健康檢查生理數據(年齡、血壓、膽固醇、高密度膽固醇、糖尿病、吸菸),以及使用『哥本哈根疲勞量表』(Copenhagen Burnout Inventory)進行問卷調查,進而獲得該企業勞工罹患腦、心血管疾病的發病風險與職場疲勞的程度;而本方法數據分析的結果比只使用CBI,能更有效、具體及客觀的篩選出屬於健康中、高風險的勞工,提供適當的醫療協助、以及減少不必要的醫療資源浪費。 同時,藉由本例能提供其他事業單位做為參據,依循本研究的方法來檢視與分析自己企業內的勞工罹患腦、心血管疾病的發病風險與職場疲勞的程度,亦能依據分析的數據來改善或檢討企業預防過勞的相關措施。
Due to frequent karoshi (burnout) events in recent years, societies and governments are forced to address concerns with regards to overworking-related deaths. However, till date preventive measures by organizations and data analysis of worker’s health reports to prevent risks of cardiovascular diseases achieved little success. This is largely due to incomplete domestic research and data analysis-that is why empirical study research is important. The study approach is based on the Republic of China Heart Association’s published Framingham Risk Score (FRS). It used 10 health indicators to analyze the health examination data of employees from a technological company from HsinChu Science Park. The health indicators include age, blood pressure,cholesterol, high density cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, smoking and the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory. These data would be processed in the form of a questionnaire survey to reveal employees’ risk of brain diseases, cardiovascular diseases and degree of workplace fatigue. Results show that in addition to allowing companies to understand the risk of sudden death and the degree of job fatigue, they can make use of the data to improve or evaluate current preventive measures against Karoshi and overworking-related diseases. Finally, the data collected could be provided to other enterprises as a reference, following our analysis strategy and apply it to their company for analysis on risk of brain diseases, cardiovascular diseases and the degree of job fatigue.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070461024
Appears in Collections:Thesis