標題: 台灣文物收藏家洪敦光之研究:以其口述歷史為中心
A research on Taiwan cultural relic collector HONG, DUN-GUANG:with the centric point of oral history by Hong
作者: 洪本毅
關鍵字: 文物;收藏家;台灣文物發展史;收藏哲學;relic;collector;history of Taiwan cultural relic;collecting principle
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究藉由參與觀察、深度訪談及文物資料整理等方法,一方面說明並分析洪敦光在文物界四十多年來的經歷;同時也探究其所認知的台灣文物發展史。關於後者,本研究認為台灣文物發展史包含混沌、啟蒙、發展及深耕等四期;關於前者,本文除敘述洪敦光收藏的緣由、方向、內容與分類、推廣活動外,還歸納出洪敦光謹慎收藏、注重收藏系列化、妥善整理及創造價值等四項收藏哲學。此外,本文亦提出收藏家生命史研究、精品收藏家之研究、官方角色與文物分級四項建議;並以自身作為洪敦光文物傳承者的角色,展望未來文物收藏關於文物價值、文物市場與文物研究前景。
Through participant observation, interviews in depth, and consolidating the information of cultural relics, this study is on one hand to explain and analyze the experiences on cultural relics of Dun-Guang Hong for more than 40 years, and on the other hand to explore the history of Taiwan cultural relics perceived by Hong. Regarding the latter, we think the history can be divided into four periods including the chaos, the enlightenment, the development, and the cultivation; as for Hong’s experiences, this study has not only narrated the origin, areas, categories and promotion of his collection, but also summarized the four principles of Hong’s collection, namely cautious collecting, focus on collection series, proper collection, and value creating. Finally, the suggestions on the research of collector’s life history as well as of relic fine art collectors, the official role, and classification of cultural relics have been made in the study; at the same time, the author has expected to assume the role as the heritage of Dun-Guang Hong’s cultural relics when look forward in the field in terms of relics value, market, and research prospects.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070255502
Appears in Collections:Thesis