標題: 影響網路平台吸引力因素之分析
Analysis of Factors Affecting Network Platform Attractiveness
作者: 黃宇瑄
Huang, Yu-Hsuan
Huang, Shih-Ping
關鍵字: 網絡效應;雙邊市場;Network Effects;Two-Sided Market
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 對於網路平台供應方來說,建立一個具有吸引力的平台是十分重要的,本研究旨在透過整理影響網路平台吸引力的因子,便於未來企業尋找具備成長潛力的要素,以期擴大規模或發展新事業。 本研究使用Building Theory from Case Study此研究方法,根據過去的文獻可知,影響平台吸引力的因素非常多,因此本研究會針對雙邊市場的部分,將文獻中分散的理論及研究結果分類,並根據平台供應方層面、使用者層面和及其他層面繪出因子與吸引力的關係圖,再使用Uber和Lyft兩個個案進行比較分析,進一步驗證文獻結果和實際狀況的相同之處。 本研究結果證明大部分因子的分析結果和文獻內容相符,但部分因子對於此兩個平台來說,影響力是相似的,因此無法再一步的研究,未來研究者可以針對缺漏的部分再進行完善。
For the providers of the network platform, it is really essential to create an attractive platform. This research can help the enterprises finding the potential in the future by analyzing the factors influence the attractiveness. It is useful for the enterprises to expand the scale and develop new business territory. This research use “Building Theory from Case Study.” According to literature reviews, there are many factors affect the attractiveness of the platform. Therefore, the research will target to the two-sided market in order to categorize theory and data. On the other hand, using relational graph to show the relationship between factors and the attractiveness according to the platform providers and the users. Moreover, comparing two platform--Uber and Lyft to unfold the same between the theory and the reality. The result of this research proves the similarity of the analysis and literature. The limitation is that some of the factors bring similar influence to both of the platform. Following researchers can improve this part in the future.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453507