Title: 中國大陸商業銀行股權結構對非利息收入影響的實證分析
Ownership Structure and Non-interest Income of Commercial Banks in China
Authors: 陳曉
Chen, Xiao
Yu, Min-Teh
Lin, Jui-Chia
Keywords: 商業銀行;股權結構;非利息收入;手續費及傭金收入;其他收入;Commercial bank;Ownership structure;Non-interest income;Fee and commission income;Other revenue
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本研究探討股權結構對於商業銀行非利息收入的影響,從股權結構角度研究如何提高銀行的非利息收入。本研究選用2008-2014年的52家中國大陸商業銀行作為樣本,其中包括5家國有商業銀行、12家股份制商業銀行、29家城市性商業銀行以及6家外資銀行。實證結果顯示:國有股權占比對非利息收入具有負相關關係;外資持股比例對非利息收入具有正相關關係;股權制衡度與非利息收入不相關;第一大股東持股比例與非利息收入不相關。
This paper investigates how the ownership structure affects non-interest income of commercial banks in China. The sample consists of 52 commercial banks from 2008 to 2014.The empirical results show that the state-ownership is negatively correlated with the non-interest income. The foreign-ownership is positively correlated with non-interest income. However, the largest shareholder and the ratio of the second largest shareholding to the largest shareholding are uncorrelated with non-interest income.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453949
Appears in Collections:Thesis