Title: 中學職前教師之網路霸凌防治線上課程設計、發展與評鑑
The Design, Development, and Evaluation of Anti-cyberbullying Online Learning Materials for Pre-service Teachers.
Authors: 徐敏容
Hsu, Min-Jung
Chou, Chien
Keywords: 網路霸凌;案例式教學;職前教師;cyberbullying;case method;pre-service teacher
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究旨在發展一套適用於職前教師網路霸凌防治線上課程,課程實施對象為大學師資培育機構的學生,依照Smith和Ragan(2005)之「分析」、「擬定教學策略」、「評鑑及修正」之系統化教學設計架構,分析出網路霸凌防治課程之需求,以案例式教學法為教學策略,並將形成性評估之結果作為課程修正之依據。 經由文獻分析與專家需求分析結果,本研究課程內容分為「預防」和「診治」兩大面向,在預防方面,包含網路霸凌的定義、類型、判斷網路霸凌之準則及相關法律等認知;在診治方面,包含網路霸凌的因應方式、輔導諮商技巧及相關教學資源。為使課程教材更具生活化,研究者發展五篇網路霸凌案例,以中小學好發生的網路霸凌類型為案例主軸,並設計案例學習單作為評鑑之工具。此外,以網路霸凌防治認知測驗和評鑑準則進行學習者的能力評鑑。 形成性評鑑結果顯示,專家焦點團體中針對課程一致性、內容性、設計性、可行性方面,提出課程未來改進之建議。課程實施後,學習者對於網路霸凌防治的認知有所提升,也認同網路霸凌對於職前教師的需求性及實用性,對於課程所使用的案例式教學普遍滿意,在案例討論學習單的完整性和正確性佳。最後,本研究提出相關建議及未來研究方向,以期藉此研究成果能作為網路霸凌相關研究之參考。
The goal of this study was to develop an online cyberbullying prevention learning curriculum for junior and senior high school pre-service teachers. The curriculum was designed based on Smith & Ragan’s “Analysis-Strategy-Evaluation” instructional design model. According to the reviewed literature and expert’s advice, the researcher divided curriculum content into two categories:(1) How to prevent cyberbullying and (2) How to deal with cyberbullying as a teacher. In addition, the researcher applied Case-based strategy in the curriculum to enhance its teaching and learning effectiveness. This study also conducted a formative evaluation of the curriculum. The results showed that experts suggested to adjust curriculum content to better fit the need of pre-service teachers as online learners. In addition, by analyzing the worksheets and student interviews, the students were found satisfied with this curriculum content and instructional strategy. Most students could finish their answer sheets correctly and completely. Furthermore, most students demonstrated a more positive attitude toward and an increased knowledge of the cyberbullying prevention after the curriculum. According to the findings, some recommendations were put forward for the reference of the design and development of future cyberbullying prevention online learning curriculums. Keywords: cyberbullying、case method、pre-service teacher
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070159638
Appears in Collections:Thesis