Title: 公司治理以及內部資本市場變數對企業融資成本的影響
The Impacts of Corporate Governance and Internal Capital Markets on Cost of Borrowing
Authors: 林琬婷
Lin, Wan-Ting
Yeh, Yin-Hua
Keywords: 公司治理;內部資本市場;融資成本;公司債;聯貸案;借款利率;Business Groups;Internal Capital Markets;Corporate governance;Corporate bond;Syndicated loan;Bank loan
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 過去論文多為探討公司治理對績效或代理問題之探討,或是單一探討融資成本影響之因素,在台灣,百大企業之負債淨值比高達436.5%,公司債發行在外餘額有1.7兆新台幣,銀行借款也高達23兆台幣,可見外部融資成本對企業是很重要的資金籌集要素,並深深影響著企業的命脈與公司經營成果,故欲探討之。
Previous studies have made a lot contributions to the impact of corporate governance and agency problems on enterprises’ performance and only discuss about one kind of fund borrowing. In Taiwan, enterprises’ debt to equity ratio are up to 436.5%. Corporate bond balance near 17 billion and bank loan are near to 23 billion. Therefore, cost of borrowing will be deeply affect corporate’s performance and lifeline.
Our study divided the borrowing method to three kinds, corporate bond, syndicated loan and bank loan. And discuss the impact of corporate governance and internal capital market on cost of borrowing. We acquire 117 firms, 272 data of corporate bonds; 279 firms, 667 data of syndicated loan; 1296 firms and 11164 data of general bank loan during 2002-2015, 14 years.
  Our empirical results show that firms which use corporate bond to borrow money are mostly have large assets, well TCRI, bad corporate governance, and mostly exist internal capital market. Therefore it is not significant when we did the regression. But it shows that these kind of borrowing would not focus on corporate governance but focus on the contract variables. Also the syndicated loan show the similar things, compare to general bank loan, companies which use the syndicated loans are bigger, better TCRI, and worse corporate governance. Only the general bank loans conform to our suspect. Poor corporate governance and exist of ICM would have higher cost of borrowing.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353957
Appears in Collections:Thesis