Title: | 醫療戲劇中的醫護形象差異與不對等的醫病溝通 Portrayals of Medical Professionals and asymmetrical doctor-patient interaction in Medical Drama |
Authors: | 胡舜詅 陳延昇 HU,SHUN-LING Chen,Yen-Shen 傳播研究所 |
Keywords: | 醫療劇;健康傳播;醫護人員與病人形象;醫病互動;medical drama;health communication;the portray of medical professionals and patients;doctor-patient interation |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Abstract: | 本研究關注於台灣醫療劇中醫護人員與病人形象、醫病互動的面貌。透過內容分析法發現劇中醫護人員與病人的角色再現,仍具傳統性別刻板印象與社會階級意識。男性角色通常擔任高社經地位的醫生與管理階層;女性角色則多擔任護理師與病患,呈現男強女弱、女性角色被邊緣化的現象。在性格上,醫生多滿懷救助病人的熱血精神、管理階層只顧名聲與私人利益,病人則消極被動。
研究結果也顯示台灣醫療劇文本採多軸敘事風格,多反映台灣現今醫療體制官僚層級及病人安全危機的問題。但對於疾病知識情節刻畫過少,健康傳播教育的內容尚待提升。此外,雖然劇中醫生普遍使用正向言語、正向行為與病患互動的「對等合作」醫病溝通模式,卻對病人角色缺乏在言語和行為上的刻畫。因此,儘管台灣醫療劇整體而言呈現和諧醫病關係,但醫生仍握有醫病互動的主動權,病患地位相對弱勢。另外,必須注意的是,醫病溝通情節在整體醫療劇的所占比例過少,對閱聽眾而言無法達到實質的教育意義。 This study utilized content analysis to profile an examination of medical drama ‘s portrayal of medical professionals, patients, and their interactions in Taiwan’s medical drama.The image of medical crews and patients were stereotyped.Males were usually play like doctors and administrators which with high professional and high status.On the other hand, females were usually play like nurses and patients which with low status and not obvious in the whole medical drama.In the personality of characters, doctors usually with passion to help patient, administrators usually concentrate on fame and wealth, patients usually with negative personality. Results indicated that Taiwan’s medical drama take multi-axis narrative style, reflecting Taiwan's current health care problem like bureaucratic level and patient safety crisis. Even though the doctor-patient interaction appear as co-operated mode in medical drama, we still find that doctors have the power to decide patients’ cure procedure. In fact, as doctor-patient interaction in the overall proportion of medical drama is too small, the influence to audience may be open to question. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359113 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/140531 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |