標題: 遊戲化感知、運動動機、運動自我效能之關聯性研究
A study of Gamification Awareness, Sport Motivation, and Sport Self-efficacy.
作者: 洪仲威
關鍵字: 遊戲化感知;自我決定論;運動動機;運動自我效能;Gamification awareness;Self-determination theory;sport motivation;sport self efficacy
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 近年來運動風氣的興盛帶來一連串的運動商機,知名廠商如Nike、Fitbit等都推出自家的健身類型的應用程式,來吸引消費者增加使用率,知名科技顧問公司顧能(Gartner.inc)指出,遊戲化(Gamification)的應用將成為創新的趨勢,不僅可以提昇體驗過程還可增加品牌好感度。遊戲化設計是近年來各領域重視的趨勢,可惜目前仍沒有明確的定義且僅有在設計方法上的討論,對於使用者經驗而言,由於遊戲化作為一種策略手法,所以使用者端的感知面向相當重要。因此本研究初探式的定義了遊戲化感知,探討對運動動機與運動自我效能的影響,以問卷調查法的方式,較全面的了解變項間的關係。本研究透過網路問卷系統Survey Monkey,在2016年12月14到12月30日於網路發放,總共回收828份有效問卷,經過篩選題後最後為730份,結果以相關分析與迴歸分析進行檢定。 本研究的主要發現,遊戲化感知可以預測使用者的運動動機以及運動自我效能,若採用常見的遊戲設計要素較容易被感受到運作的存在,而感受的程度越高則預測程度就越大。在內外在動機的提升上,採用勝任感知的設計,優於自主感知與關連感知,然而,當使用者處於無動機的狀態中,則不會感受到任何遊戲化機制的運作,且難以產生行為改變。而勝任與關連的感知可以預測使用者的運動自我效能,但是自主感知僅有相關無預測的關係,最後,本研究也驗證了過去的研究假設,使用者的運動動機可以預測運動自我效能,其中,內在動機會高於外在動機是因為自身滿意程度高者,對自身完成運動的信念較有影響,而無動機則會反向預測運動自我效能。
Gamification design has caught a lot of attention in various fields in recent years, well-known companies such as Nike and Fitbit, have launched their own sport mobile application, and adopted Gamification as their design strategy. However, for user experience, user perception is an important issue. Since Gamification is not a game but a design strategy, users may not be aware of it, and it would be difficult to trigger the follow-up motives and behaviors. Therefore, the study started with Gamification awareness, based on self-determination theory, exploring the impact of sport motivation and sport self-efficacy, and the survey method was adopted as research method. In the end, 828 users had been surveyed. The main findings of this study indicated that Gamification awareness could affect the user's sport motivation and sport self-efficacy, the application of common game elements is easier to have users feel the existence of the operation, and the higher awareness a user has, the greater impact there is. In terms of the influence on intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, the competence awareness was higher than the relatedness awareness. However, if the user lacked motivation, he did not feel the operation of any game mechanism. Competence and relatedness awareness affected the user's self-efficacy, but the autonomy awareness didn’t. This study also validated the hypothesis that the athlete's motives could predict sport self-efficacy, the intrinsic motivation was higher than the external motivation due to the higher degree of satisfaction it brought, while in the condition of amotivation status ,the prediction of sport self-efficacy would be reverse.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359115
Appears in Collections:Thesis