Title: 下一代光接取網路之研究
The Study of Next Generation Optical Access Network
Authors: 吳郁夫
Wu, Yu-Fu
Keywords: 光接取網路;雷利背向散射;光傳輸器;自我保護被動光網路;optical access network;Rayleigh backscattering;optical transmitterS;self-protected passive optical network
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本論文主旨在對下一代光接取網路做一廣泛性探討,其主要研究方向有三。其中包括了雷利背向散射、光傳輸器,與具自我保護的被動光網路。在載波分佈被動光網路中,因為雷利背向散射所造成的雜訊會進而降低傳輸品質,因此我們實際探討並分析了雷利背向散射對傳輸品質造成的影響,然而提出降低雷利背向散射雜訊的方法。而在光傳輸器方面,本論文主要提出了三種不同架構的可調式單波長雷射,這三種可調式單波長雷射分別是利用法布里-柏羅雷射和反射式半導體光放大器的基礎元件,搭配外部光源注入或自我注入式等技術,構成一可調式光傳輸器,並將其實際應用於光網路傳輸中,分析其傳輸品質。另外為有效整合有線光纖網路與無線射頻網路,我們另外也提出了利用兩個分散式回饋雷射來注入至法布里-柏羅雷射的方式,產生170 Ghz的無線毫米波訊號。最後在本論文中,為了使光網路能更具有可靠性與穩定性,我們分別提出了如何在環型和樹型分時多工被動多光網路,以及樹型分波多工被動光網路的基礎網路上,建構其具有自我保護功能光網路架構,以期當有網路斷點發生時,能立即重新路由訊號並恢復網路連線。
In this dissertation, we study the Rayleigh backscattering (RB) noise in the carrier-distributed wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) passive optical network (PON) and propose a method by using carrier suppressed single sideband non-return-to-zero (CS-SSB-NRZ) modulation to mitigate RB noise. For optical light source, we also propose optical transmitters based on Fabry-Perot laser diode (FP-LD) or reflective semiconductor optical amplifier (RSOA) with external injection or self-injection technique, and analyze the transmission performance in the optical fiber network. For wired and wireless convergence of optical access network, we propose a mm-wave generator based on two distributed feedback (DFB) lasers and a FP-LD with heterodyne beating at photo-diode. Finally, we propose and demonstrate different self-protected optical access networks including self-protected ring and tree-typed TDM-PON, and self-protected tree-typed WDM-PON to reroute and reconnect the signal via the protecting fiber when the fiber fault occurs in the optical network.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079824818
Appears in Collections:Thesis