標題: 瀏覽性與資訊類型對圖像式社群網站媒體可信度與科技信任之影響
The Impacts of Navigability and Modality on Media Credibility and Technology Trust in the Picture-Based Social Media
作者: 許秀珠
Hsu, Hsiu-Chu
Lee, Jiunde
關鍵字: Instagram;圖片;媒體可信度;視覺符號學;Instagram;Picture;Media credibility;Semiotics
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究關注圖像式社群媒體Instagram,為了瞭解圖像式科技環境的使用者經驗而進行兩階段研究。本研究採用量化問卷調查法與質化訪談法,先透過大量問卷蒐集使用者對Instagram的使用經驗與媒體可信度評估,再透過訪談深入分析Instagram的使用性表現,並從符號學觀點解析視覺圖像的符號意涵與經驗。 研究結果顯示,媒體資訊型態和瀏覽性兩個表層結構特徵會影響使用者對Instagram的媒體可信度,因圖像為描繪型資訊且為感官型訊息,圖像在視覺上能被快速理解。另一方面,在研究中以符號學觀點對圖像的視覺知識進行類目化,圖像(icon)、標誌(index)與象徵(symbol)各自傳遞不同的視覺知識和經驗,符號學的分類為概念式分類可應用於概念式資訊檢索中,顯示Instagram具有圖片式搜尋之發展潛力。
This research centered on the discussion of user experience and user behavior in the picture-based social media environment. There were two stages in this research, quantitative research method and qualitative research method were applied respec-tively to collect research data. At stage one, an online survey was conducted to inves-tigate user's perceptions and media credibility evaluation of Instagram. The following stage two, semi-structured interviews and usability test were carried out to collect qualitative data. Semiotics analysis of visual images was one of the major focus at the second stage, with a view to understanding user's interpretation, perceived communi-cable ideas and feelings. The result indicated that modality and navigability would have impact on user's perception of media credibility. Especially modality, since pictures are depictive rep-resentation and sensory specific information, pictures can be comprehend easily. In the aspect of semiotic classification, icon, index and symbol types of picture did com-municate different visual knowledge and transmit various experience. In conclusion, based on the present study, modality and navigability were importanct design issues in the picture-based social media, and that semiotics could be a worth exploring subject in future image-related studies. This research centered on the discussion of user experience and user behavior in the picture-based social media environment. There were two stages in this research, quantitative research method and qualitative research method were applied respec-tively to collect research data. At stage one, an online survey was conducted to inves-tigate user's perceptions and media credibility evaluation of Instagram. The following stage two, semi-structured interviews and usability test were carried out to collect qualitative data. Semiotics analysis of visual images was one of the major focus at the second stage, with a view to understanding user's interpretation, perceived communi-cable ideas and feelings. The result indicated that modality and navigability would have impact on user's perception of media credibility. Especially modality, since pictures are depictive rep-resentation and sensory specific information, pictures can be comprehend easily. In the aspect of semiotic classification, icon, index and symbol types of picture did com-municate different visual knowledge and transmit various experience. In conclusion, based on the present study, modality and navigability were importanct design issues in the picture-based social media, and that semiotics could be a worth exploring subject in future image-related studies.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359116