標題: 即時戰略遊戲資料視覺化系統
Real-Time Strategy Games Data Visualization System
作者: 官彥廷
Kuan, Yen-Ting
Chuang, Jung-Hong
Wang, Yu-Shuen
關鍵字: 即時戰略遊戲;星海爭霸;遊戲資料視覺化;軌跡;real-time strategy games;StarCraft;game visualization;trajectories
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 在本文中,我們針對即時戰略遊戲的比賽紀錄回顧,提出了一個資料的探索流程與系統,並透過資料視覺化的方式呈現,讓玩家快速抓出比賽中影響勝敗的關鍵。有別於過往使用者觀看比賽紀錄的方法,本系統僅以比賽重播紀錄作為輸入資料,並提供使用者操作介面,讓使用者可以觀察到比賽概述與戰鬥過程兩部分。比賽概觀部分,我們同步呈現比賽過程的相關數據隨著時間的變化,讓玩家可以從各角度觀察一場比賽的全貌,用以找出整場比賽關鍵時間點,並觀察戰鬥與比賽中關鍵事件的先後順序。戰鬥過程部分,我們著重於呈現在關鍵時刻戰鬥發生的地點與時間,並由淺至深地呈現雙方士兵移動的軌跡,利用視覺化的方式呈現戰鬥發生的經過,找出戰鬥勝負的關鍵因素。藉由操作本系統,能夠幫助使用者比起觀看比賽重播影片與操作過往的紀錄回顧系統,更快速的了解比賽整體過程,並透過觀察比賽中的戰鬥,找出比賽的勝負關鍵。
We present a visualization system for users to examine real time strategy games, which are very popular in the world in recent years. Unlike the previous systems that focus on showing statistics and build order, our system can depict the most important part – battles in the games. Specifically, we visualize detailed movements of armies belonging to respective nations on the map and let users examine battles from a global view to a local view. At the global view, battles are depicted by curved arrows showing how the armies cut in and escape from the battlefield. By observing the arrows and the height map, users can make sense of offensive and defensive strategies easily. At the local view, soldiers of each category are rendered on the map and their movements are represented by animation. We also render an attack line between a pair of soldiers if one of them can attack the other to help users analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a formation. By using our system to interactively examine statistics, build order, and battles, users can easily learn strategies and experiences from games played by professions. The disclosed insights in our visualization results and the conducted user studies verify the feasibility of our system.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356616