標題: 考慮先進製程中動態線端間距的細部繞線
Detailed Routing Considering Dynamic End-End Spacing Rules for Advanced Technology Nodes
作者: 魏映綺
Wei, Ying-Chi
Li, Yih-Lang
關鍵字: 細部繞線;動態線端間距;detailed routing;dynamic end-end spacing
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 隨著193nm光學光刻技術越發展精湛,現行的發展已趨向解析度極限,對於10nm以下的製程,其中一種可行的解決方法為使用1D單方向設計,工業目前已從2D設計漸漸轉向相當規律1D設計。為了要達成目標圖樣,1D製程首先產生出單向密集的金屬線,並使用cut masks做線端 cutting的動作,但挑戰也隨之而來。如果cuts之間太接近的話,就會導致衝突錯誤,所以線端間距規則就跟著出現,在APR中,這些規則變成了新的瓶頸。本篇論文中,我們設計針對線端間距規則的繞線器,實驗也顯示出我們的繞線器可以有效地減少違反線端間距的情況。
As 193nm optical lithography reaches the limit, 1D unidirectional style design is one of the promising solutions for 10nm technology node and beyond. Industry move towards extreme regular 1D style design from 2D style design. The 1D process first generate unidirectional dense metal lines and then use line-end cutting to form the target patterns with cut masks. Challenges arise from cut patterns. If cuts are too close, it will lead to conflicts. Line-end spacing rules are coming with it. In APR, these rules become a new bottleneck. In this work, we propose the router aware of the line-end spacing rules. Experimental results show that our router can effectively reduce line-end spacing violations.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356018