標題: 玻璃基板粉碎作業的粉塵暴露改善研究
The study of glass substrate dust exposure improvement in crush work
作者: 梁家韶
Liang, Jia-Shao
Tsai, Chuen-Jinn
關鍵字: 游離二氧化矽;粉塵;局部排氣;捕集;Free silica;Dust;Local exhaust;Trap
公開日期: 2017
摘要: TFT玻璃基板主要製程原料為二氧化矽,其成分含量達50至60 %。在國內外研究指出,暴露游離二氧化矽會造成矽肺症、肺炎及加劇致癌力等相關併發症,為保障勞工之健康,勢必要將其暴露濃度控制在容許範圍以下。
研究結果發現,僅啟動局部排氣情況下,粉塵平均濃度為0.034 mg⁄m^3 ,方法一為0.01 mg⁄m^3 ,降低70.6 %;方法二為0.007 mg⁄m^3 ,降低79.4 %;方法三為0.015 mg⁄m^3 ,降低55.9 %;方法四0.019 mg⁄m^3 ,降低44.1 %。
綜合評估效益較佳以及可配合改善方法,依我國作業環境監測建議採樣方法,評估總粉塵濃度改善效益,其汙染源閉密措施(方法三)及汙染源周圍之汙染物清除(方法四)為事業單位可配合改善方法;僅啟動局部排氣情況下,總粉塵濃度為0.58 mg⁄m^3 ,方法三為0.26 mg⁄m^3 ,降低55.2 %;方法四為0.36 mg⁄m^3 ,降低37.9 %,方法三及方法四,皆將濃度降至法規標準0.53 mg⁄m^3 以下。
The main raw material of the TFT glass substrate is silicon dioxide, which accounts for 55±5 % in the compositive contents. A number of studies have found that exposure to silicon dioxide can cause silicosis, pneumonia and increased carcinogenicity and other related complications. To protect the health of workers, it is bound to control its exposure under allowable concentration.
Generally speaking, the most effective method to improve the environment of dust exposure is local exhaust, which can trap the dust before it get into human breathing zone. However, due to the lack of standards and professional design, the system usually presents as inadequate wind speed. Furthermore, due to the difficulty of improving existing equipment, the influence on production process, and the high cost of improvement, local exhaust is not the most favoring way to trap the dust.
This study takes the glass grinding dust exposure process on in a glass substrate manufacturing as research object, to examine the environmental monitoring work over the years, the staff work patterns and the efficiency of control measures. MOUDI method is adopted to examine dust particle size distribution, and establish improvement measures by particle size and job type states. The result suggests that the most dust particles in working area are large dust size particles, and the improvement measures are decided by according to the motion characteristics of dust particle size of the formulation. Furthermore, DUSTTRAK8530 is adopted to examine the effectiveness of the improvement measures, and the measures include changing the contents of broken glass types, prohibit the use of the equipment could easily lead dust, close pollutant sources, clean pollutant materials around the sources. Finally, we choose the most efficient improvement measure and improve it according to its feasibility, and then assess the effects of improved dust concentration by sampling method suggested in the working environment monitoring method.
The result showed that using only local exhaust ventilation(LEV), the average dust concentration in air is 0.034 mg⁄m^3 . However, when we operated LEV with measures above, dust concentration has reduced by 70.6 %(measure 1, value:0.01mg/m3), 79.4 %(measure 2, value:0.007 mg⁄m^3 ), 55.9 %(measure 3, value:0.015 mg⁄m^3 ), 44.1 %(measure 4, value:0.019 mg⁄m^3 ).
According to the working environment measurement and NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, we comprehensively evaluated the decrease of dust concentration and measures above; the result is that measure 3 and measure 4 were found to be effective and suitable for institutions. When we operated LEV with measure3 and with measure4 the total dust concentration is decreased by 55.2 %(from 0.58 mg⁄m^3 to 0.26 mg⁄m^3 ) and 37.9 %(from 0.58 mg⁄m^3 to 0.36 mg⁄m^3 ).Either measure 3 or measure 4 has the ability to restrict concentration below regulatory limits.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070461022