標題: 菸品素面包裝與TBT協定之合致性研究──兼論我國引進措施之可行性
The Consistency of Tobacco Plain Packaging under the WTO/TBT Agreement - The Feasibility of its Implementation in Taiwan
作者: 陳思妤
Chen, Szu-Yu
Ni, Kuei-Jung
Hsueh, Ching-Wen
關鍵字: 菸品素面包裝;技術性貿易障礙協定;菸草控制框架公約;國際標準;必要性審查;Tobacco Plain Packaging;Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade;Framework Convention on Tobacco Control;International Standard;Necessity Test
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 澳大利亞是全球第一個實際採取素面包裝作為菸草控制手段的國家,然烏克蘭(嗣後聲請停止程序並撤回告訴)、多明尼加、古巴、宏都拉斯及尼加拉瓜等WTO會員,認為素面包裝措施有違反WTO協定義務之虞,現WTO爭端解決機制已組成爭端解決小組後,審理澳大利亞菸品素面包裝法案之合法性,即Australia–Tobacco Plain Packaging一案。該案被視為WTO最具爭議性案件之一,且涉及WTO協定義務與2003年菸草控制框架公約之競合問題;而我國目前已有與菸品素面包裝措施相關之菸害防制法修正草案等待排入立法院之院會議程,惟我國同為世界貿易組織之會員國,對於WTO協定亦有遵守義務。是故,菸品素面包裝措施在雙重協定下義務之競合,勢必為我國未來將面對之議題。 本論文擬就澳洲菸品素面包裝法案為中心,透過文獻整理、案例分析、實證研究,於第貳章介紹菸品素面包裝措施的國際發展沿革,具體說明措施的規範內容,並歸納相關文獻以分析菸品素面包裝的成效與批評,以及與菸品素面包裝相關的國際爭訟案件。第參章則探討本論文的核心議題,即菸品素面包裝與TBT協定的合致性,自TBT協定之文義、目的出發,併同WTO爭端解決機制前例與相關學術文獻,歸納必要性原則與國際標準的要件與審查基準,並以菸品素面包裝為具體案例,適用分析此等菸草控制措施在TBT協定下所可能面臨的挑戰與疑慮。第肆章呈現實證研究之成果,透過質性訪談國內外具有菸害防制政策設計經驗、並均具有國際貿易或是公共衛生領域的專業的專家、學者,請受訪者就其經驗與專業,對於菸品素面包裝法案本身、措施與TBT協定的合致性、以及台灣推行菸品素面包裝的可能性作出建議。最後於第伍章總結上述研究成果,提出本論文對於菸品素面包裝在TBT協定下的合致性分析意見,以及台灣如欲引進菸品素面包裝所應踐行之前置準備,期能作為我國相關立法之參考而有所貢獻。
Tobacco plain packaging is considered as an effective tool to reduce tobacco consumption and accordingly recommended in Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and its Guidelines for Implementation. In 2011, Australia passed the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011, which is the first country in the world to require tobacco products to be sold in plain packaging. However, the measure was complained in a violation of WTO laws, specifically TRIPs, TBT Agreement and the GATT, which is known as Australia – Tobacco Plain Packaging. In that case, Tobacco Plain Packaging Act is alleged to violate Article 2.2 of the TBT Agreement, which obliges Members to ensure not to adopt technical regulation with the effect of creating unnecessary obstacles to international trade. Meanwhile, the issue whether FCTC Guidelines for Implementation constitute an international standard which could be considered rebuttably legitimate shall be solved as well. First, the thesis will introduce tobacco plain packaging, including the evaluation, the substantial rules under Australian act, the expected positive and negative results, and ongoing international litigations concerned with such measure. Second, the thesis will discuss the legality of plain packaging under the TBT Agreement by looking backward on the precedence concerning international standards and relevant materials to establish the requirements for examination. Third, this thesis will conduct the empirical study by interviewing several experts and practitioners to collect data regarding the effect of the plain packaging, the experience in attending FCTC/COP, the opinions over the necessity of using plain packaging, and the suggestion for Taiwan to impose plain packaging. At last, the thesis presents the conclusion, including the legality of applying plain packaging under the TBT Agreement and also some suggestions for Taiwan if such measures are going to be implemented domestically.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353808