標題: 長期照護機構應變之行動裝置應用
Development Applications of Mobile Devices for Emergency Response of Long-Term Care Facilities
作者: 廖俐惇
Liao, Li-Dun
Shan, Hsin-Yu
關鍵字: 長期照護機構;行動裝置應用;Long-term care facilities;Mobile device application
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 災害來臨時,高齡者或行動不便者因不易自行避難及疏散而喪失性命。長期照護機構於災害時,長照機構人員容易因避難及疏散時的資訊傳遞不便利性而影響搶救黃金時機,因此必須建立可於災時緊急聯繫的資訊管道,資訊管道的有效運作將可提升反應力與減少傷亡。因此行動裝置應用即可直接以長照機構平時早已建立完整的緊急聯絡體制與住民後送等清單、避難疏散與建物安全區劃等圖資,行動裝置應用可於災時有良好的應變輔助效果。 本研究擬採用專家訪談法,再透過半結構式訪談,訪問新竹縣及新竹市的消防局、社會處科長或防災業務承辦人,與五所長期照護機構之院長(主任)或承辦防災業務人員,以了解消防局、社會處與長期照護機構各單位之間的相互通報與協助機制,並了解現況長期照護機構已有建立之緊急聯繫資源單位與災時緊急應變之名冊與圖資,以現有的各類清單及圖資與緊急應變計畫內容規畫出後續長照機構任務編組成員可使用之行動裝置應用。根據研究訪談所得的實務資訊,建立一套可快速便利聯繫長期照護機構的行政主管機關以及鄰近民政單位、警政單位、消防單位的手持式裝置資訊應用程式,以協助長期照護機構人員於災時可更便利把重要情報與訊息回報給相關人員。期望可以使得長期照護機構於災害的資訊傳遞可以迅速且確實的掌握搶救時機,於災時可以使得緊急應變計畫內容與流程更能夠達到因應與各項資訊的應用。
In case of severe natural disasters, elderly people and the disabled often lost their lives as a result of the difficulty to prevent and evacuate. For a long-term care facility, the number of facility staff may not fulfill the large manpower required during accidents for evacuation and dispersal and may have to rely on disaster prevention and rescue organizations. However, numbers of injuries and deaths may be decreased if the responsive organization can efficiently operate. Therefore, mechanisms and measures such as emergency contact systems and evacuation transport should be pre-established as the foundation of effective response during the time of adisaster. This study interviewed the fire department of Hsinchu County and Hsinchu City, the staff or section chief of disaster prevention at the Social Affairs Department, and the head (director) of five long-term care facilities or the staff of disaster prevention through semi-structured interviews. This will serve to elucidate the mechanism of intercommunication and mutual support between different organizations, as well as the established structureof emergency contact resources in long-term care facilitiesfor emergency responses during a disaster. Based on the practical information from the research interviews, a system of device application that can rapidly and conveniently connect the administrative agency of long-term care facilities with neighboring units of civil affairs, police, and fire service may be established. It may help the staff of long-term care facilities to report important information and messages to related personnel in a more convenient manner during a disaster. This is expected to increase long-term care facilities’ speed and certainty of information transfer during a disaster and help them react more promptly.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070251285