Title: 幻想主題分析群眾集資之語境建構
A Fantasy Theme Analysis of Crowdfunding
Authors: 陳怡安
Chen, I-An
Kuo, Liang-Wen
Keywords: 群眾集資;符號幅合理論;幻想主題分析;語藝視野;Crowdfunding;Symbolic convergence theory;Fantasy Theme Analysis;Rhetorical vision
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 「群眾集資」係社會大眾透過小額資金贊助,發揮群體集結的力量,支持個人或組織使其目標或專案得以執行完成。群眾集資的興起,提供原本沒有足夠資金卻有好想法的人實現的機會,同時提升消費者在商業市場的參與程度。在臺灣,更從社會層面與思考層面,都對國人造成產生顯著的影響。 專案在集資過程中,由於產品的缺席,可將文案的說服效果視為影響提案者與贊助者兩造之間共同完成群眾集資行為的重要因素。故本研究以文本的語藝角度,分析十二件臺灣各領域的代表性專案,得出「問題、改變、信任、困境、眾人力量」五項共通說服元素,形塑「因為你,世界可以有些改變」以及「將資源託付給值得信任的對象」作為參與者的共同價值觀,以及群眾集資的社會意義。
Crowdfunding is a practice of funding and donating projects from a large number of people who only need to contribute affordable a mount of fund. As crowdfunding becomes more and more popular, the entry barriers of raising funds for entrepreneurs, developers and makers become much lower. Besides, customers and buyers play more and more important roles in the market. In Taiwan, the influence of crowdfunding trend on the ways we think and the ways we participate social affairs are obvious as well. In the early stage of producing a product, entrepreneurs and developers probably have only a prototype or even just a proposal instead of a final fancy product. Therefore, in order to raise funds, the persuasiveness of the copyright plays an important role between the project initiator and the sponsors. In this study, twelve crowdfunding cases covering different domain fields in Taiwan based on rhetoric of their copyright reveal five common factors to convince buyser. They are “problems”, “change”, “trust”, “predicaments”, and “united”. The aforementioned five common factors also form the concepts and the values which make the buyers believe that “this world is different because of my participation” and “ distribute resources to the trustworthy people”. These concepts also provide the social meanings of crowdfunding.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359111
Appears in Collections:Thesis