Title: 研發人員對快閃記憶體供應商之評選-以邏輯IC設計產業為例
R&D Opinion on Flash Memory Vendor Selection - Example of Logic Design Industry
Authors: 許信康
Hsu, Hsin-Kang
Chen, Pei-Hua
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: 研發人員;快閃記憶體;供應商評選;層級分析法;R&D;Flash Memory;Vendor Selection;AHP
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 快閃記憶體發展至今已成為眾多電子產品不可或缺的搭配組合,它具有高效能的讀寫模式與體積小不占空間,以及非揮發性設計可在不供電模式下依然保有資料完整性。快閃記憶體在實際應用上,使用者必須先參照各廠家規格書所提供的指令集與獨特ID進行軟體支援識別,因此只要產品在市場可被支援性愈高其所代表未來達成生意模式的機會也愈大。 本研究運用AHP層級分析法並針對邏輯IC設計產業之研發人員為例來進行探討研究,因為其終端產品特性緣故,會涉及必須提供公版電路設計與參考設計用料給客戶端進行後續生產,因此早期產品開發時期之研發人員是基於何種緣故來選擇供應商合作,畢竟研發人員不像專業採購具有一定的篩選條件能力,因此透過本研究探討可以有效掌握研發人員選擇的關鍵因素,以利產品順利推廣並爭取最大曝光度。
NAND Flash has become the critical component for electronic devices in use because of its numerous strengths. To name a few, high read/write performance, high level of portability and data integrity when power down are said to be the reason for serving various market needs with different purposes. When it comes to application, users (herein, R&D engineers) generally need to follow the particular specification and instruction provided by vendors to continue the later development and optimization. Therefore, higher product compatibility in Flash Memory means higher market adaptation and probability in business collaboration. This research looks into R&D engineers' opinion in selecting flash vendors during procurement process with AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) analysis. In many cases, often pricing and lead time are considered as the significant factors in procurement, however, it is undoubtedly that R&D engineers' views are equally playing a vital role because of their responsibility in chip design and feedback providing to users. Their opinions are worth to look into for bridging the successful collaboration. Thus, the outcome of this analysis of the collected R&D engineers' view on key factors over choosing flash vendors, aims to benefit the decision making process especially in business promotion stage in the Flash Memory industry.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463101
Appears in Collections:Thesis