標題: 憂鬱症患者與其伴侶的互動歷程之敘說研究
The narrative research on the interaction between depression and his intimate partner.
作者: 顏韻純
Yan, Yun-chun
Hsu, Ying-Chu
關鍵字: 憂鬱症患者;親密關係;要求退縮;敘說研究;depression;intimate relationship;demand-withdraw;narrative analysis
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究旨在探討憂鬱症患者與其伴侶之親密關係與互動歷程,利用敘說研究,邀請兩對同居中異性戀情侶分別進行訪談,罹患憂鬱症皆為女性,進行「整體-內容」、「類別-內容」之分析,研究結果如下: 一、憂鬱症患者從小家庭經驗,產生控制、要求、預測的需要,而這樣的需要同樣帶入親密關係中,而伴侶呈現順從與忍讓之角色,使得親密關係呈現以「憂鬱症患者為中心」之模式,另外,研究亦發現憂鬱症患者出現情感上依賴、生活緊密之狀況,形成「高度控制與親密」之親密關係樣貌。 二、當憂鬱症患者為中心之模式被打破後,將引發憂鬱症患者之要求行為,並帶著高張的情緒,要求伴侶順從自己的期待,轉回憂鬱症患者為中心之模式,而伴侶皆以迴避、退縮之行為來應對。研究發現,「要求-退縮」行為模式可能是必要的,避免衝突越演越烈,但伴侶後續的應對與調整也相當重要,避免因為要求-退縮行為模式惡化了親密關係品質,而這樣的歷程也同樣符合「憂鬱症患者為中心之模式」,皆是伴侶應對、調整來符合憂鬱症患者之期待。 三、伴侶所提供之社會支持是憂鬱症患者度過憂鬱期最重要的力量。 四、憂鬱症狀不一定影響親密關係滿意度,但足夠好的親密關係可以幫助憂鬱症患者主動面對憂鬱症狀。 研究者根據以上研究結果,提出相關建議與限制。 關鍵詞:憂鬱症患者、親密關係、要求退縮、敘說研究
This study investigates the intimate relationship and interaction process between depressions and their partners. This study employs narrative analysis: the researcher interviews two cohabiting heterosexual couples whose female partners are depressions, and employs the holistic-content and categorical-content analysis. The results of this study are as follows: 1.Due to their family experience, depressions have the needs for control, demand and anticipation. They show the same needs in their intimate relationships; in response to them, their partners show submission and tolerance, depression-centered mode of relationship. In addition, the intimacy of depressions leads to “high control” relationships. 2.When the “center of depression” mode break, depressions demand aggressively that their partner meet their expectation, which restarts the mode. Facing this, their partners withdraw, and the “demand-withdraw” mode may be necessary to avoid conflicts. To prevent the demand-withdraw mode from exacerbating their relationships, it is vital for their partners to adjust themselves. This process is still the “center of depression” mode where partners change or adjust themselves to fulfill the expectations of the depressions. 3.When it comes to helping depressions, social support from their partners is the most important factor. 4.Depression does not necessarily affect the satisfaction in intimate relationships, but good intimate relationships help depressions actively face depression. Based on these results, the paper also discusses the limitation of the study . Keywords: depression, intimate relationship, demand-withdraw, narrative analysis
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070159614