標題: 看別人玩電動很有趣? 以自我決定理論探討遊戲實況平台感知互動、社會臨場感和觀看愉悅感之關係
Predicting enjoyment in watching game live streaming - how perceived interactivity and social presence influence users’ self-determination
作者: 施琬妤
Shih, Wan-Yu
Lin, Jih-Hsuan
關鍵字: 自我決定理論;社會臨場感;感知互動;愉悅感;遊戲實況;Self-Determination Theory;Social Presence;Perceived Interactivity;Enjoyment;Game Live Streaming
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 電子遊戲競技的熱潮,帶動遊戲實況直播的興起,觀看遊戲實況成為現代許多人日常生活的一部份,其中遊戲實況平台的互動凝結線上社群,連帶培養了網路上許多知名的遊戲實況主。本研究主要以量化的方法探討使用者觀看遊戲實況的過程,透過實況網站上的特色功能,加上遊戲實況主和其他使用者訊息,產生的感知互動與社會臨場感,如何影響個人內在自我需求,進一步影響觀看帶來的愉悅感。根據遊戲實況平台上的使用情境,以及由觀眾在觀看實況時的內在自我需求,將感知互動、社會臨場感與自我決定理論概念操作化,並加上遊戲技巧為調節變項,瞭解各層面對於觀看遊戲實況的影響。透過迴歸分析的結果發現,使用者的感知互動與社會臨場感,皆與自我內在需求呈現正向關係,並且當自我內在需求得到越高的滿足,對於看遊戲實況的愉悅感也會越高。本研究亦發現,遊戲實況頻道的社群大小,亦可能影響到使用者感受到的互動程度,未來研究可納入討論。
eSports is getting more and more popular these days and it has made live streaming games for people to watch. This has become a part of their lives for people to do as part of their daily routine. Especially the interactivity duringgames streaming on websites has united a part of the community. In this research, it uses path analysis to explore why people like to watch live streams which adopts two concepts of perceived interactivity and social presents. Through the creative functions and the characteristics of websites, users are able to interact with the game streamers and also other users which generate a sense of interactivity and social presents among them. These two variables affect users’ self-determination and further affects the enjoyment while watching live games streaming. I also explore moderate variables like game skills to explore a different aspect of how these variables will affect users while they watch the live streams. In the results that were found, we have discovered the perceived interactivity and social presence of users which has positive relationship with user’s self -determination. It also leadsto get more satisfaction in the enjoyment of watching game live stream is much higher. I also find the size of community of live streaming channels will effect on how users perceive interactivity which is recommended findings for future research.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359121