標題: 被遺忘權之研究-以歐盟個資保護規章及歐盟法院Google Spain SL案為中心
A Study of the Right to Be Forgotten- Focus on the Google Spain SL Case of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the General Data Protection Regulation
作者: 楊柏宏
Yang, Po-Hung
Chen, Chih-Hsiung
關鍵字: 個人資料;個人資料保護規章;被遺忘權;資料刪除權;資訊隱私權;data protection;General Data Protection Regulation;right to be forgotten;right to erasure;information privacy right
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 網際網路及科技的發展,個人資料相較於過去更容易被長久的保留、流通速度更快、資料分析能力越來越強,為因應此情,對個人資料保護最為看重的歐盟於2016年通過新版的個資保護規章,統一歐盟各國之個資保護法令,以促進個人資料於歐盟境內之自由流通。其修法重點之一為加強個人資料主體控制個人資料之權利,建構被遺忘權,亦即個人資料刪除請求權,明定個人資料刪除請求權的構成要件、效果及其例外,此外,歐盟法院也做出肯認被遺忘權之判決。而我國個資法制上雖也存有類似的刪除資料請求權,但尚未有實務判決做進一步的操作,判斷在何種具體情況下持有該個資之人須主動或依當事人之申請而刪除其個人資料。類似的案例,如全民健保資料庫案請求停止利用健保資料、特力屋案請求未刪除個資之損害賠償等,本文將該案進行分析以期找出我國實務若碰到被遺忘權案件時可能依循之前例,並藉此探討被遺忘權之優點、限制及其缺點,並就我過目前法制提出修法建議。此外,與刪除請求權相似的停止處理利用權也將一併進行探討,以補足現實上無法刪除或難以刪除的困境。
With the rapid development of Internet and technology, personal data have become much more vulnerable. They can be transferred faster, analyzed easier, and stored longer. To solve these problems, European Union, which attached high importance to the protection of personal data, passed the General Data Protection Regulation in 2016. This regulation not only strengthens the self-control power of personal data, but also acknowledged “the right to be forgotten”. Data subjects obtain the right to demand data controllers to erase their personal data in certain situation. Besides, in May 2014, the European Court of Justice ruled that data subjects can ask search engines to remove links which relate to their names from the search results list. These all lead to the inference that EU are ready to implement the “right to be forgotten” to ward off data thefts. In Taiwan, data subjects also have ”the right to erasure” pursuant to Personal Information Protection Act. However, the court in Taiwan has not made it clear whether under which circumstances could data subjects claim this right. Thus, this thesis aims to analyze and introduce the cases of ECJ and GDPR, in order to fully grasp the essence of “the right to be forgotten”. Moreover, this thesis hopes to make clear suggestions for further law amending, thus devotes to compare GDPR with Taiwan’s Data Protection Act to clarify how to put this right into practice in Taiwan.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070153804