標題: 以NodeMCU以及MIT App Inventor 2在Android行動裝置上的研究 -開發具有GPS、移動偵測,以及UV量測功能的智慧衣系統
A study of using NodeMCU and MIT App Inventor 2 on Android Mobile Device-Design a Smart Clothing with GPS、Moving Detect and UV Measure
作者: 羅峻譯
Lo, Chun-Yi
Lee, Jong-Eao
Tsai, Jia-Lun
關鍵字: 物聯網;衛星定位;紫外線;移動偵測;Arduino;IOT;GPS;UV;Moving Detect;Arduino
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 近幾年來全球網路的硬體發展越來越健全,讓行動通訊變得非常的普及,走到哪邊隨時都可以使用手機或是平板連上網路,甚至嵌入式裝置都可以連上網路,間接的帶動了讓物聯網IOT(Internet of Things)的發展,進而演變成現今科技發展的重點,而NodeMCU則是具有成本的優勢,本身就是一顆WIFI晶片同時又擁有多個GPIO腳位可以使用、相容於現在最火紅的Arduino,因此列為本研究論文的開發板首選。 本研究論文以透過NodeMCU開發智慧衣系統,而此智慧衣本身則具有GPS定位、移動偵測、以及UV量測的功能,並且可以將這些資料上傳到雲端,再經由我們自行開發的App,可以即時的從雲端上取得這些資料,而本智慧衣系統的好處,在GPS方面的應用來說,假設穿著人員本身遇到危難或是迷路時,可以讓救難人員馬上的定位救人,或是本智慧衣遺失時,也可以從本身隨時上傳的定位座標尋獲,另外加入了ADC加速器來做移動偵測,只要穿戴者未脫下此智慧衣,則可以協助救難人員得知目前穿戴者的移動狀況以及活動力讓救難者可以判斷是否為優先搶救,同時加入UV的偵測,則是可以幫助穿戴者即時的判斷戶外的紫外線指數,並且採取適當的防護措施。
In recent years, the network is becoming more and more popular, people can use mobile phone or tablet to access the Internet at any time any place. It also indirectly driven the Internet of Things (IoT) technology to develop rapidly. In IoT filed, the cost is the advantage of NodeMCU. NodeMCU is a microprocessor. It has WIFI module and multi-GPIO to use. It also compatible with Arduino. So we choose NodeMCU to do our research. The purpose of the study was to access the IoT skills of smart coat. The smart coat use NodeMCU to integration UV measurement, moving detect and GPS Modules. The smart coat can collect data from these modules and upload these data to cloud. We can use the App that develop by myself to download these data from cloud. It can exploit the GPS to support search and rescue. It also can detect the people moving for check people is alive, if people wear the smart coat. And provide the UV value for people do some protect.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070452812