标题: 单边规格下多条生产线制程之群组选择
Group Selection for One-Sided Processes with Multiple Manufacturing Lines
作者: 吴郁雯
Wu, Yu-Wen
Pearn, Wen-Lea
关键字: 制程能力指标;多条生产线;供应商群组选择;Bonferroni方法;Process capability index;multiple manufacturing lines;group selection;Bonferroni method
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究主要探讨供应商群组选择问题,由于现今生产技术先进,诸多制程的不良率极低,且不同制程间的良率仅有些微差异,造成决策者难以选择最佳的供应商。制程能力指标建立品质规格与实际制程之间的连结,并在极低不良率的制程下,被广泛地用来评估制程产出产品是否符合规格以及提供品质保证。本文藉由单边规格下多条生产线的制程能力指标 CpuM来选择出拥有较佳制程能力的一组供应商,然而一般比较母体平均值大小的多重比较技术并不适用于评选多组制程良率指标,因此本篇以供应商的CpuM_hat相减作为检定统计量,并采用Bonferroni方法,达到有效衡量最佳品质制程的目标,且提供假设检定所对应的临界值、正确选择供应商之信心水准保证以及在要求之检定力下所需的样本数,作为供应商选择的辅助资讯。最后,我们应用Bonferroni方法与其他多重比较方法Multiple Comparisons with the Best (MCB) 作为范例,并设定不同参数和指标估计值,说明两种方法在供应商群组选择问题所做的决策不同。
In this thesis, we deal with the group supplier selection problem. Due to advanced production technology, the decision maker is hard to select the processes with extremely high yields and small differences between each other. Process capability indices (PCIs) establish the relationships between the actual process performance and the manufacturing specification. Therefore, based on the processes with extremely low fraction of nonconformities, PCIs have been extensively used to evaluate and measure whether the process meets the specifications and they also provide quality assurance at the same time. This research considers process capability index for one-sided processes with multiple independent manufacturing lines, CpuM and selects a group containing the best suppliers. However, the conventional multiple comparisons techniques for evaluating different means are inadequate to evaluate yields indices. Thus, we adopt the Bonferroni method and subtraction test statistic to tackle the group selection problem. Critical values for testing procedure, correct selection assurance, and sample sizes required for a designated selection power are also investigated. Finally, we compare our method by Multiple Comparisons with the Best (MCB) method under different parameters and estimations in examples. It is noted that the decisions which Bonferroni and MCB methods make are not quite similar.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453347