標題: 社群分享於線上大型教學體驗之影響探討研究
社群分享於線上大型教學體驗之影響 探討研究
作者: 宋慶瑩
Sung, Ching-Ying
Lin, Wen-Chieh
關鍵字: 線上教育;大型線上開放式課程;社交互動;Online learning;MOOCs;Social interaction.
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 在近幾年的研究中,社交互動已經被認為是提升線上學習者們參與課程及學習的重要關鍵。雖然在大型線上教育中,例如MOOCs,已經在教學平台裏提供了許多互動的介面,例如:討論板以及聊天室,但是缺乏社群分享的功能應用,導致了線上學習者們的低參與度和沈浸感。在此篇論文中,我們探索了社群媒體分享在線上教育中的可能性以及其影響力。我們建置了Google Chrome瀏覽器的插件,以提供學習者們分享線上學習資訊於社群媒體Facrbook上(例如:上課內容,課程進度等等)。此篇論文的目標為了解學習者們分享學習資訊於社群媒體上的動機以及疑慮,並且觀察社群分享後,學習者們產生的學習影響和行為變化。在本論文中,我們執行了一個為期六週的觀察實驗,邀請了14位學習者參與Coursera課程,並且分成使用以及不使用社群分享兩個組別,觀察受測者們的學習行為。在本篇的結果中,顯示了線上學習者渴望社群分享,且分享的過程中給予了學習者實質的益處。另外,本篇作品也探討了學習者對於社群分享的疑慮以及在不同狀況之下學習者所會受到的影響。
Social interaction has been a crucial part to engage learners and to achieve effective learning. Although large-scale online learning like MOOCs, has provided interaction platforms among class members, e.g., discussion forum and chatroom, the lack of affordance of social sharing can potentially lead to the problem of low participation and low engagement. In this paper, we explore the possible roles of social media sharing in online learning. We built a Chrome browser plug-in that allows learners to share their learning information (e.g., course content, progress of learning etc.) with their social contacts on Facebook. We aim to understand what issues motivate or inhibit learners to share learning information on social networking sites, and how social sharing of learning information may affect learning on MOOCs. We conducted a six-week, in-vivo study to observe 14 learners' learning behaviors in a Coursera class with and without external social sharing to Facebook. We showed that online learners welcome external social sharing, and there were actual benefits when people were comfortable to share. We also identified situations and concerns that seem to impede social sharing in online learning.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356615
Appears in Collections:Thesis