Title: 日本證券商的脈絡相依效率
The Context-dependent Efficiency of Japanese Securities Firms
Authors: 李詠涵
Lee, Yung-Han
Hu, Jin-Li
Keywords: 脈絡相依;證券業;效率;日本;網路券商;Context-dependent data envelopment analysis (DEA);Securities firms;Japan;Online securities firms
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 政府放寬證券法規限制以及網路券商的興起,改變日本證券業的競爭環境。本研究以脈絡相依資料包絡法評估日本23家證券公司2010年至2015年的經營效率,探討網路券商相較其他券商的經營是否相對有效率。本文利用脈絡相依法依序建構多層次效率前緣,提供無效率券商就近及更進一步向上提升效率時的參考目標。實證結果發現,整體而言,2010年至2015年日本網路券商的經營效率優於主要大型券商、以銀行為主的券商及中型區域券商;而以中型區域券商效率最低。
The deregulation policy boosted the Japanese stock market. The online securities firms enter this intensely competitive brokerage industry. This study adopts the context-dependent data envelopment analysis to evaluate the efficiency of Japan's 23 securities companies during 2010-2015, and discusses whether or not online securities firms are relatively more efficient. Several levels of efficiency frontiers are constructed to provide the inefficient securities firms with achievable targets and sub-targets as role models in management practice. The empirical results show that online securities firms are more efficient than other types of securities firms in Japan. The middle-ranked regional securities firms show the lowest efficiency.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463715
Appears in Collections:Thesis