Title: Pro Mujer: 拉丁美洲社會企業的商業模式分析.
Pro Mujer: Analysis of the Business model of a Social Enterprise in LATAM.
Authors: 羅依珊
Isangel Rodriguez
Huang, Shihping Kevin
Keywords: 社會企業;女性賦權;拉丁美洲;Pro Mujer;Social Enterprise;Women Empowerment;Latin America
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 摘要

Pro Mujer, 1990建立於玻利維亞,為一個致力於促進拉丁美洲女性擁有基本資源自主權及打破貧窮循環的社會企業組織。Pro Mujer 給予機會並支持女性的想法,使其成為有力量的變革者。這個機構自開始以來,即推廣人類發展相關的活動並執行小額信貸服務,像是健康和社會發展及個人技能,並在婦女及其家屬取得相關權力方面,獲得成效。根據聯合國資料:婦女回饋在家庭上的投資佔其收入達90%。因此,投資在婦女身上,等於是投資在一個家庭上。
這篇論文將介紹Pro Mujer 的歷史及其成為拉丁美洲中其一領先群倫之婦女發展組織的過程。包括他們如何面對區域最大的挑戰及促進總體成長。除此之外,還對其成功的商業模式進行主要的因素辨識及分析。這個卓越的範例告訴我們,企業經營成功與提供幫助協助人群並非互斥,而可以是互助的雙贏。
關鍵詞:Pro Mujer, 社會企業,女性賦權,拉丁美洲。
English Abstract
According to statistics from the World Bank Group: Out of 5 women in Latin American, at least 1 lives in chronic poverty, that sums up an alarming 130 million people that manage to subsist with less than US$4 per day, through their whole lives. Not to mention how alarming the gender inequality issue is in a region where there’s still a very strong traditional view on “the place and role that women should occupy in society”.
Pro Mujer, founded in 1990 in Bolivia, is a social enterprise dedicated to facilitate females in LATAM with the basic resources needed in order to empower themselves and/or break the cycle of poverty. Pro Mujer supports the idea that given the right opportunities, females can become important and decisive subjects of change in their communities. Since its beginnings it has promoted and made possible the integration of microfinance services with human development services, such as health and development of social and personal skills, achieving proven results in the empowerment and inclusion of women and their families. According to the United Nations: women invest back into their household around 90% of their earnings, hence, by investing in a woman you can transform a family.
This paper will introduce Pro Mujer’s history and transition in order to become a leading development organization for women in LATAM, how they have tackled some of the region’s biggest social challenges and fostered inclusive growth. In addition, it will identify and analyze the key factors of its successful business model. A remarkable example that reminds us that doing well and doing good are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Keywords: Pro Mujer, Social Enterprise, Women Empowerment, Latin America.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453032
Appears in Collections:Thesis