Title: | 探討閱讀科學超文本時,閱讀策略的自我效能、自我調整學習表現與閱讀理解表現之關連 Exploring the relationships among self-efficacy on science reading, self-regulated learning, and reading performance in reading science hypertext |
Authors: | 黃珍鈴 王嘉瑜 Huang, Chen-Ling Wang, Chia-Yu 教育研究所 |
Keywords: | 超文本;閱讀理解表現;閱讀策略之自我效能;科學閱讀之自我調整學習;Hypertext;Reading performance;Self-efficacy on science reading;Self-regulated learning |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Abstract: | 閱讀是獲得科學知識的方式之一,閱讀能促使學習者思考科學理論,進而活用科學知識。過去的科學閱讀以紙本為主,現今社會由於資訊發達,電子書日益普及,超連結文本的存在使得學生可以自行規劃閱讀章節的順序,面對非線性的閱讀、圖文資訊並陳的超連結網頁文本,學習者的自我調整學習能力對其閱讀理解成效影響更鉅,個人持有的自我效能則會影響自我調整學習策略的使用頻率且能預測學習表現。過去的研究指出自我效能與學習者使用自我調整學習策略的頻率有顯著相關,且自我調整學習策略的使用頻率與閱讀理解表現呈現顯著正相關,但過去的研究較少探討自我效能、自我調整學習表現及閱讀理解三者間的關連。故本研究之目的為以七年級生物科超文本為情境,探討學習者的閱讀策略之自我效能、自我調整學習表現與閱讀理解表現的相關性,以及探討閱讀策略之自我效能和自我調整學習表現對閱讀理解表現是否有預測力。 本研究採量化設計,邀請60位七年級學生於網路平台閱讀血液循環科學文本。本研究先以紙本問卷蒐集學習者的閱讀策略之自我效能及自我調整學習策略的數據資料,接著請學習者閱讀線上科學文本,時間限制是35分鐘,之後完成閱讀理解測驗,測驗包含三種題型,分別為選擇題、配合題及繪圖與短文寫作,其中繪圖與短文寫作的表現是用來評量學習者於閱讀科學文本後建立的心智模式品質。統計方法以Pearson相關性分析瞭解閱讀策略的自我效能、自我調整學習表現與閱讀理解表現三者間的相關性;並以迴歸分析閱讀策略的自我效能和自我調整學習表現對閱讀理解表現的預測情形。 研究結果顯示,自我調整學習策略中的策略使用及評鑑和心智模式層級呈現顯著正相關;而自我效能量表中問題解決之分量和心智模式層級呈現顯著正相關;此外,自我調整學習策略中的監控、策略使用及心力與資源調節和自我效能量表的四個向度(整體分析、問題解決、輔助策略、後設認知)具高度相關性。迴歸分析顯示,自我調整學習策略中的策略使用及評鑑可以顯著預測心智模式層級的高低;而自我效能量表的問題解決之分量可以預測選擇題的分數。本研究針對研究結果提出結論與建議,供教師與未來相關研究者參考。 Reading is a major way to gain scientific knowledge. Reading science texts can prompte thinking about scientific theories and application of scientific knowledge. The blooming of informational technology has increased the opportunities of electronic reading, such as reading e-books or webpages with hyperlinks. The features of dynamic reading have demanded learners to equip self-regulated learning skills for better reading comprehension. Previous studies have shown a significant correlation between learners’ self-efficacy and their use of SRL strategies. In addition, frequencies in use of self-regulated learning strategies were significantly and positively correlated with reading comprehension. However, only few studies have explored the relationship among self-efficacy, SRL skills, and reading comprehension all together. Therefore, the two aims of this study include: exploring the relationships among 7th graders’ self-efficacy on reading strategies, self-regulated learning, and science reading performance, as well as investigating whether self-efficacy on reading strategies and self-regulated learning performance are predictors of science reading performance. This study took a quantitative approach and invited 60 7th graders to read a science hypertext about blood circulation. Learners first completed two paper surveies on self-efficacy in science reading and self-regulated learning, respectively. They then completed the reading task with a time limit of 35 minutes. A reading comprehension test, consisting of multiple choice questions, a matching test, and a short essay, was then given to measure their knowledge gain and the quality of the mental model. Pearson’s correlation analyses were then performed to explore the relationships among self-efficacy on science reading, self-regulated learnign performance, and reading comprehension. Regression analysis was used to examine if self-efficacy on science reading and self-regualted learning predict reading comprehension. The results show that, among self-regulated learning strategies, strategy use and evaluation were significantly and positively correlated with the level of mental model, while the self-efficacy on problem-solving strategies showed a significant positive correlation with the level of mental model. Among self-regulated learning strategies, strategy use and resource regulation are highly correlated with the four dimensions of self-efficacy scale (including global analysis, problem-solving, supplementary strategy, metacognition). The results of regression analyses indicated that strategy use and evaluation predict the level of the mental model, while the self-efficacy on problem-solving strategies predicts the score of the multiple choice items. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070059624 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/140948 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |