標題: 未成年人人工流產之醫療決定權─對我國優生保健法之反省
Minors’ Abortion Decision Making - Reflection on the Genetic Health Law
作者: 楊子瑩
Yang, Yzu-Ying
關鍵字: 未成年人;人工流產;生育自主權;優生保健法;Minors;Abortion;Reproductive Rights;Genetic Health Law
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 當未成年人懷孕時,往往必須面對生理以及心理的衝擊,此時未成年人的選擇之一是接受人工流產。在我國目前法規,未成年人施行人工流產,應得法定代理人之同意。此項同意權的設置,原本的意旨是要協助社會經驗與理解能力不足的未成年人做出適宜的決定,然而多數未成年人因故不願或無法取得法定代理人的同意,反而尋求不合法的方式進行人工流產,使未成年人陷入更不利的處境。 本文首先透過現有數據,初步了解我國未成年人墮胎與人工流產現況。並整理現行法規、實務見解,以及相關判決,檢視我國現行法下對於墮胎與人工流產之規範與運行。再透過文獻回顧的方式,了解我國學者對現行法規與實務的檢討,以及學者對於修法方向的建議。其後從生育自主權的概念出發,探討國內外學說與實務,檢視其內涵、範疇與在我國上的依據,並論述應否賦予未成年人生育自主權,以及未成年人生育自主權的範圍與限制。 在人工流產制度的建立上,本文透過比較法的研究,了解外國法上的制度,並透過質性訪談的方式,訪談婦產科醫生、醫療法學者、實務工作者,了解未成年人目前的人工流產現狀,以及現行的人工流產法制有何問題,並與其討論我國未成年人人工流產法制應如何建構,了解受訪者的意見與建議,最後提出針對我國未成年人人工流產制度之方向建議。
After discovering their pregnancy, minors often face tremendous physiological and psychological impacts and one of their choices is to abort the fetus. According to the Genetic Health Law, a minor cannot have abortion without the consent of her parents or legal guardians. The purpose of the law is to help the minors who are deemed as insufficient in social experience and the ability to understand the nature and consequences of abortion to make appropriate decisions. However, some minors are unable or unwilling to seek permission from their parents or legal guardians and will turn to unlawful abortion that may endanger them. To begin, this article collects current data regarding minors’ abortion and analyzes the abortion regulations and verdicts in Taiwan. After observing the current regulations and operations, this article introduces the scholars’ criticisms and recommendations for amendments toward them. Afterwards, this article discusses about the reproductive rights via theories and practices both in Taiwan and foreign countries, representing the content and scope of them and demonstrating the legal status of reproductive rights in Taiwan. This is followed by discussions on whether minors have rights to make decisions on abortion and the limit of the rights. This article also emphasizes on the establishment of minors’ abortion regulatory models through the study of comparative law and interviews with gynecologist, scholars, judges and social worker. Through gathering different viewpoints and opinions, this article hopes to propose a suggestion to the regulation of minors’ abortion in Taiwan.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070153801
Appears in Collections:Thesis