標題: 慈善機構齊一性對捐款行為的影響—以目標效能為調節變數
The Influence of Charity Entitativity and Target Efficacy on Donation Behavior
作者: 邱茹郁
Chang, Chia-Chi
關鍵字: 捐贈;聯合勸募;齊一性;目標效能;單一受惠者;多個受惠者;donation;united way;entitativity;target efficacy;single beneficiary;multiple beneficiaries
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 一般而言,慈善機構的類型可分為兩種,第一種是為某一族群或理念爭取福利權益,在本文中稱之為單一性質慈善機構,第二種是聯合勸募慈善機構,讓有資金需求的社福團體向其提案申請後,再將資源同時分配予多個社福團體。當大眾接收慈善機構募款文宣的訴求後,心中想法與感受會影響捐款的決策,而人們的內心感知有許多類型,目標效能即為其中一種,代表大眾認為他人得到幫助後,能夠因此獲得改善的信念。 因此,當慈善機構要進行募款時,要以協會名義獨立募款,還是與聯合勸募慈善機構合作,才能募得較多的款項;以大眾的立場而言,究竟人們比較願意捐款給單一性質還是聯合勸募慈善機構。另外,要如何運用目標效能來設計募款文宣,改變大眾之內心感受,使慈善機構獲得更多的資源,是本研究欲探討的議題。 本研究以四種不同情境的實驗,分析高與低目標效能文宣敘述,是否影響大眾對單一性質與聯合勸募慈善機構的捐款金額。研究結果顯示,當人們閱讀目標效能感受較低的文宣敘述時,比較願意捐款給單一性質慈善機構;而當閱讀目標效能感受較高的文宣敘述時,則比較願意捐款給聯合勸募慈善機構。 根據本研究之結論,單一性質慈善機構需要進行募款活動時,為了募得更多的款項,可以採用低目標效能的文宣。若其選擇與聯合勸募慈善機構合作,聯合勸募慈善機構則可以採用高目標效能的文宣,增加大眾的捐款意願。最後,期望本研究的結果,能提供慈善機構在日後作為募款策略的參考,募集更多資源提升社會整體福利。
In general, the types of charities can be divided into two categories: single type and united type. The single charities raise fund for a sole purpose or a group of homogeneous people. They also can deliver proposals to united charity, and then united charity allocates money to a variety of charities. The emotional feelings have an influence on donation behavior after people receive the appeals from the charities. We identify one factor, target efficacy, which is one form of perceived efficacy referring to the perceptions that one is capable of being helped and make improvements. Charities can hold fundraising events by themselves or cooperate with united charities. But which way they can collect higher amount of money? This research investigates relationships between the degrees of target efficacy, types of charities and charitable giving by four various contexts questionnaires. The results show that when people read the lower target efficacy charitable giving contexts, they prefer donate to single charity. On the contrary, when people read the higher target efficacy charitable giving contexts, they prefer donate to united charity. According the findings of this research, single charities can reduce target efficacy to increase donation, and united charities can enhance donation by boosting target efficacy. We hope our research could provide some suggestions for charities to formulate charitable strategies and then increase the social welfare of the society.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453111
Appears in Collections:Thesis