標題: 新穎三維 SP2 Woodpile 光子晶體 的光學製程系統之研發
Realization of 3D Photonic Crystal with SP2 Symmetry by a Novel Optical Lithographic Method
作者: 陳舒妤
Chen, Shu-Yu
Hsieh, Mei-Li
關鍵字: 光子晶體;SP2;Woodpile structure;SP2
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 目前三維光子晶體的應用無法蓬勃發展,其最大原因是光子晶體的製作過程過於繁雜、耗時過長、成本過高。本論文提出一個快速製作三維光子晶體的技術,透過兩次曝光及一次定位的製作流程,就能在光阻上完成三維光子晶體的結構,整個曝光時間只需幾秒到幾分鐘的時間,而製作面積可達公分等級以上。 本論文主要分為三個部分。第一部分為材料製備與光學製程系統設計,首先介紹如何透過不同的製備方法以完成不同厚度的三維結構,接著介紹光學製程系統以及相關器件與定位等設計理念,並建立此系統。第二部分會呈現曝光參數與實驗結果,透過實驗結果分析,進而校準所有曝光條件,並完成預期的光子晶體結構。最後部分則針對實驗做出的光子晶體結構進行光譜量測與分析,同時與理論模擬相比較,進而分析討論此光子晶體的光學特性。
In this research work, an optical system is invented and successfully implemented for the realization of a complex, three-dimensional photonic crystal (PC) architecture. Our technique is novel, as it requires only two separate optical exposures, takes a few seconds to expose and yields a large sample size of ~1cm2. This thesis is divided into three parts. The first part concerns the design of our new optical system and the preparation of a photo-sensitive material, SU8. In particular, precise positioning devices were built and process parameters for preparing a thick film of 6-20um were developed. The second part addresses optimization of optical exposure conditions, leading to the realization of a state-of-the-art 3D photonic-crystal with SP2 symmetry. This result represents the first ever large-scale fabrication of SP2 PC-architecture and holds promises for future large-scale and low-cost production of 3D PC. In the last part, optical properties of the fabricated PC were experimentally tested and the results compared to that computed from Transfer – Matrix – Method (TMM).
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070350540