標題: IC設備經營模式之研究
An Industry Analysis of the IC Equipment
作者: 劉家羽
Liu, Chia-Yu
Shyu, Zou-Sheng
關鍵字: IC設備;關鍵成功要素;創新網絡商業模式;知識仲介與生產服務;寡占型跨國經營;專業技術與市場領導;大型客製化經營;IC equipment;key success factors;knowledge intermediary and production services;oligopoly type of transnational business;professional technology and market leadership;large-scale custom management;network business model of innovation
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 摘 要   有“產業稻米”之稱的IC產業,為我國明星產業之一。台灣半導體IC產業長久以來以代工模式為主,從製造到封裝,具有完整產業價值鏈,然而大部分設備仍由國外進口,使得技術推動須靠設備廠商合作完成,也影響系統產品的創新能力,故發展IC設備是我國半導體產業未來提升全球競爭力的關鍵。   IC設備牽涉範圍廣泛,舉凡物理、化學、化工、材料等等,是高精密儀器的產業,因此,發展IC設備不但能有效提升我國週邊及半導體產業整結構,並強化我國半導體垂直供應鏈的系統競爭力。   提升產業競爭力需要企業、產業及國家創新系統的相互配合。在產業競爭力研究方面,利用Hope與Hope的「產業價值鏈策略群組分析模式」並結合「關鍵成功要素」之觀念,以未來IC設備產業發展為個案,透過「產業關鍵成功要素」,分析並歸納IC設備產業在不同模式下所需之關鍵成功要素。   在工業4.0及物聯網智能化時代,傳統線性的創新無法與現實結合,平台式網絡創新模式是最有效率、最具戰略思維的經營模式。因此,本研究以創新網絡商業模式作為研究構面。在此模式研究中,我們發現IC設備產業可分為「知識仲介與生產服務」、「寡占型跨國經營」、「專業技術與市場領導」與「大型客製化經營」四大構面,並根據四大構面歸納整理出各構面下所需的關鍵成功要素。   IC設備產業尤須掌握產業關鍵成功要素,並塑造有利的產業條件,如此方能在此競爭激烈的產業環境中,持續提升產業國際競爭優勢。
This thesis reports on an analysis of integrated circuit (IC) equipment industry. Taiwan’s IC industry has been based on an OEM (Original equipment manufacturer) supplier in the long run. Taiwan has a complete industrial IC value chain, from manufacturing to packaging, however, most of the IC equipments are still needed imported from abroad, which results in the progress of the technology needs to rely on the equipment manufacturers. Furthermore, this situation also affects the capacity of the product innovation, so the development in this area is the key to enhance the global competitiveness of the IC equipment. To enhance the competitiveness of the industry requires the cooperation among enterprises, industries and national innovation system. In the aspect of industrial competitiveness research, we combine the Hope and Hope's "Industrial Value Chain Strategy Group Analysis Model" and the "key success factors" concept, we can summarize the key success factors in different modes of the IC equipment industry. In the era of industrial 4.0 and internet of technology, traditional linear innovation can not be combined with reality, therefore, network business model of innovation is the most efficient and strategic business model. Therefore, this study takes the network business model of innovation as the research method. In this model study, we found that IC equipment industry can be divided into "knowledge intermediary and production services", "oligopoly type of transnational business", "professional technology and market leadership" and "large-scale custom management". After that, we can summarize the key success factors under four structural aspects of the network business model of innovation. To sum up, in this competitive environment, to grasp the key success factors in the IC equipment industry correctly, we can create favorable industrial conditions, and then continue to be the leader in this industry.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453508
Appears in Collections:Thesis