标题: 以电气纺丝及电泳沉积法改善染料敏化太阳能电池可挠性之研究
Study on the improvement of dye-sensitized solar cells’ flexibility with electrospinning and electrophoretic deposition
作者: 江维堂
Chiang, Wei-Tang
Hus, Ray-Quen
关键字: 染料敏化太阳能电池;电气纺丝;电泳沉积;可挠性;dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC);electrospinning;electrophoretic deposition (EPD);flexible;bendability
公开日期: 2016
摘要: 染料敏化太阳能电池为新一代太阳能电池,由于不需昂贵真空设备,制程相较其他种类太阳能电池简单且材料成本在大面积制作后可以降低,成为近20年研究机构甚至产业界极为重视的课题。为了创造更生活化的应用。例如把太阳电池变成可卷起來带着走的行动电力,或可供人穿戴的太阳电池衣或背包。目前可挠式DSSC在制程上虽然还有许多待改进的问题,但是为未来研究的重点。
In recent years, the development of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) produced considerable research interest, including improving efficiency, packaging and flexible possibilities. Flexible possibility has great potential for all kinds of applications. Researches on the bendability of the solar cell thin sheets are mostly focus on the making the soft substrate or electrodes. Previous studies showed that coating method of TiO2 semiconductor electrodes cracked after bending. This phenomenon makes the DSSC efficiency and lifetime substantially decline.
This study used a flexible conductive material (ITO-PET) as substrate. The semiconductor electrode were prepared by electrospinning and electrophoretic deposition (EPD) method. After bending test, we observe the morphology and electrical properties of semiconductor electrodes. The photocurrent-voltage characteristics of assembled the DSSC were measured by Luzchem Solar Simulator (standard AM 1.5). Results of flexible DSSC indicated that ductility of electrospinning fibers and adhesion of electrophoretic deposition film enable the flexible solar cells after bending to avoid fragmentation of semiconductor electrodes. After bending 100 times, the efficiency of DSSC prepared by electrospinning decreased by 70%, and prepared by EPD decreased by 50%. They were still a functioning dye-sensitized solar cell.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079714804