标题: 照射闪烁光之萧基二极体的导纳模拟
Admittance Simulation of Schottky Diode under Flashing Illumination
作者: 周家宇
Chou, Chia-Yu
Chen, Jenn-Fang
关键字: 量子点;声光调制器;导纳模拟;Quantum dot;Acousto-optic modulator;Admittance Simulation
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 本论文提出模型来模拟照射闪烁光的萧基二极体,分成四个部分,第一部分探讨未照光之下缺陷随外加小讯号提供的电容及电导值,模拟出未照光下的电性表现。第二部分提出如何以数学式子模拟闪烁光的开关行为,并探讨闪烁光提供额外的电容及电导值,模拟出照射闪烁光之电容及电导变化量。第三部分研究仪器量测时给予样品电压小讯号,此小讯号与光的耦合现象,造成样品暂态电容及电导值产生震荡,将数学式代入软体模拟,并与实验相互对照。第四部份观察电容频谱,对于电容频谱中的每一个峰值讨论,最后提出合理的猜测与解释。本论文成功以数学式子模拟出照射闪烁光下的量子点样品之光电耦合效应。
In this study, we demonstrate an analytical expression for admittance of InAs/InGaAs quantum dot embedded in a GaAs Schottky diode under flashing illumination. This thesis is divided in four parts. First, we discuss the capacitance and admittance of our model, which is a Schottky diode with a defect state embedded in. While we apply a small voltage signal, we can obtain excess capacitance and admittance supplying by the defect state. Second, we suggest an analytical expression for flashing illumination. We can obtain excess capacitance and admittance causing by flashing illumination. Third, while impedance analyzer is measuring samples, it exports a small signal voltage, which is going to coupling with optical signal from flashing light. We are going to simulate this phenomenon with Mathcad. Additionally, we try to explain the similarity and differences between simulated results and experimental results. At last, view of point goes to spectrum of capacitance. We explain each peak appearing in capacitance spectrum. In conclusion, we successfully simulate the electro-optic coupling effect in quantum dot sample under flashing illumination.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070452061