Title: | 工業4.0在中小型製造業之現況探討–以印刷電路板產業之智慧製造為例 Current Industry 4.0 Status in S&M Sized Manufacturing Enterprises - A Study on The Smart Manufacturing in Printed Circuit Board Industry |
Authors: | 陳正林 蔡蕙安 Chen, Cheng-Lin Tsai, Hui-An 企業管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 印刷電路板;智慧製造;工業4.0;工業3.5;大數據;物聯網;專案小組;企業內部資源系統;Printed Circuit Board;Smart manufacturing;Big data analysis;IoT;Project team;Enterprises resources planning |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Abstract: | 本文以中小型印刷電路板產業為研究對象,探討在面臨高齡化、勞動力缺乏的情況下,智慧製造實施的現況。本文以C公司為例,進行問卷調查,從(1)智慧製造認知面(2)管理面(3 )設備面(4)生產製造面為角度,逐步分析在物聯網、自動化、大數據分析等方面實施的程度。本研究發現,C公司管理階層認為投資智慧製造建置,需投入許多資源,由於無法立即反應在營運表現上,短期內不屬於公司首要任務。生產線的設備和機台,已有記錄生產參數,卻無建構一個平台搜集資料,供大數據分析、挖掘商業智慧。許多製程站維持手動或是半自動,使用人力製造,僅有少數缺工較為嚴重的製程站,引進機械手臂,減輕人力負擔。全面投資智慧製造需龐大的預算和冗長的時程,本研究建議C公司,在內部組織專案小組,由廠務室人員擔任領導,要求各部門經理出任,向各單位蒐集目前所遇到的瓶頸,透過財務單位計算引進各個解決方案後的成本和效益,從最為嚴重的問題為開端逐步擴展,利用智慧製造尋找解決方案。 This thesis uses S&M sized Printed Circuited Board manufacturer, C Corporation, as an example and discusses the current smart manufacturing situation in the company. An interview was conducted with an Industry 4.0 project leader. According to the interview, C corporation is having a serious labor shortage issue which is the driving force for them to head toward smart manufacturing. However, C Corporation currently only has a few stations with data analysis capability and robotic arms. In lamination station, they have 2 robotic arms to help flatten the board. Although smart manufacturing is around the corner, management team doesn’t consider smart manufacturing as a top priority because it requires a large amount of capital and time investment. Besides, it takes years for the implementation of smart manufacturing to pay off. It is discovered that C Corporation doesn’t have a detailed plan on the implementation of smart manufacturing as it requires a large amount of capital, trial out and constant communication with suppliers and workers. Therefore, it is suggested that C Corporation organizes a smart manufacturing project team led by one of the top management. Factory managers will be the main project leader. Each function team such as sales, purchasing, manufacturing, R&D and production needs to assign one manager to the board. Project leader needs to collect the needs from each department. Based on C Corporation’s existing competitiveness and Cost & Benefit Analysis, project leader can start to formulate a detailed implementation plan and execute it. It is discovered that jumping into smart manufacturing is unnecessary for S&M sized PCB manufacturers like C Corporation. They should start with the most serious problems they are facing now by finding the right solutions and resources that fit their needs. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453012 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/141169 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |