Title: | 人工濕地結合厭氧氨氧化程序(ANAMMOX)處理垃圾滲出水之研究 Landfill Leachate Treatment by Wetlands With Anammox Process |
Authors: | 謝昀達 林志高 Hsieh, Yun-Ta Lin, Jih-Gaw 工學院永續環境科技學程 |
Keywords: | 人工濕地;垃圾滲出水;厭氧氨氧化;Constructed wetland;Landfill Leachate;ANAMMOX. |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 傳統生物程序處理含氮廢水,通常需曝氣且耗能,而厭氧氨氧化程序 (Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation process, ANAMMOX),可在缺氧的環境下,完成氮的去除。人工濕地為一低耗能並能淨化水質的設施。為探討以人工濕地搭配anammox程序處理垃圾滲出水之可行性,以及anammox菌種於人工濕地環境是否能存活。本研究設置兩列人工濕地系統,由兩個自由表面水流式系統(FWS)及一個表面下流動式系統(SSF)組成,anammox菌種則混合於FWS系統底泥中,並採用兩股不同水質的污水進行實驗,一是濃度較高的垃圾滲出水原水(A列),二是經污水處理廠處理後濃度較低的三級放流水(B列)。此外,為比較搭配anammox程序是否能提高氮的處理成效,故設置一組無添加anammox菌種系統作為對照。
研究結果顯示,兩列系統對於垃圾滲出水中氨氮具有去除成效,且anammox菌種亦成功於系統中存活且其數量有增加的趨勢,但效果並不顯著,主要是因為植物的根區效應傳輸氧氣,導致底泥溶氧增加抑制anammox活性;另外,因FWS系統其水流是在濕地介質之上,導致anammox菌種與廢水接觸面積減少,因此反應效率較低,但相較於無添加之對照組,其處理成效相對較高,顯示搭配anammox程序確實可提高氮的處理成效。垃圾滲出水經過人工濕地處理之後,去除水中各項污染物質,使其達到更嚴謹之放流水標準,亦不會對魚類等生物造成危害,放流水可回收再利用,提升用水效率。 Conventional nitrogenous wastewater treatment required a lot of energy to aerate. However, Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (deammonificaiotn) process could remove nitrogen compounds under anoxic conditions. Combination of Anammox process with conventional wastewater treatment still have problems of energy consumption and sludge production. Constructed wetlands plays important role in the environment, principally water purification. A feasibility study-of combined anammox process with constructed wetlands for treating landfill leachate was conducted. Besides, the activity and the survivability of anammox microbes were also evaluated. The purpose of this study is to develop two parallel constructed wetlands system, each contains two Free Water Surface Constructed Wetland (FWS) and one Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland (SSF). The anammox bacteria were inoculated in FWS System bed mud, treating raw landfill leachate with higher contents of nitrogen (type A) and the effluent from tertiary treatment (type B). In addition, in order to verify the treatment efficiency of constructed wetlands inoculated by anammox micobes, a control-study without the inoculation of anammox microbes was carried out in this study. The results revealed that two systems are capable of removing nitrogenous compounds in landfill leachate. Anammox microbes had been successful survived and the quantities of anammox microbes were increased in the system but the removal efficiency is not obvious. However, due to the root effect of dissolved oxygen in sediment and the insufficient contact between the surface flow and the anammox microbes, inhibition was observed during the evaluation. Contaminants in landfill leachate could be removed successfully in constructed wetland inoculated by anammox microbes. The treated leachate would not cause negative effect to the fish and the organisms after a bioassay. Thus, leachate treated by the constructed wetland was able to recycled and reused. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079976519 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/141328 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |